My camera is still MIA, so with a little digital help I'm showing you my dream bedroom. White Wednesday style of course! Thanks Kathleen for keeping this party going. Visit Faded Charm for some other inspiring posts.
I have been planning to re-do our master bedroom for awhile now. I am re-purposing pieces I already have, but one thing I'm splurging on is Bella Norte linens. Our good friend Rebecca is helping me out with that decision. I am leaning toward the flax & chocolate with some natural cream linen. Very neutral, Very white Wednesday don't you think? You may recognize the pillow in my collage, it was made by the pillow diva herself, Sissie!
Photo credits: Sissies Shabby Cottage, Country Living, Curious Sofa, Pottery Barn
I am calling on Saint Anthony the performer of miracles to help me locate my camera. I am not a Catholic but my Step Mother is devout. She prays for miracles both big & small & I've learned over the years that the Saint's listen. The problem is that I can't remember the whole prayer, & my Mommy Dearest is in Canada without phone service.
The prayer goes like this-
Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony please come around,
somethings lost & can't be found..
If any Catholics are reading today can you help me out?

Something is definitely in the air...we can inspire each other...I think our lok will be very much the same...lucky you for bella notte linens...(no help on the camera) ...hope it shows up soon.
Happy WW!
Lisa, Just ask out loud "I want to find my camera, please show me, I am so gratful for your help". Thank you!
This works for me, sometimes it takes a while, but it usually shows up. Want to see that beautiful room when you finish.
See you Fri.
Hugs, Pat
Lisa the pictures you posted for your bedroom are inspirational! So soft and dreamy and creamy and white! Ilove the chandlier. Hope your camera is not MIA for long!
I love all the images you've shared...your bedroom makeover will be lovely of course! Sorry to hear about your camera and while I know of the prayer to St. Anthony I cannot remember all the words. I'm pretty sure you don't need to know it verbatum, he'll answer any sincere prayer I'm sure!
Oh Saint Anthony will definitely help. He has helped me so many times in the past. I sent him a little reminder for you too:)
I have some of those gorgeous pictures saved in an inspiration file. I love all of the linens I have seen from Bella. I doubt that you will dissapointed. I love linen, it just looks fabulous any where you put it. Can't wait to see pictures!
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens
oooooh, lucky lucky you!!! i just love the linens from bella notte, they are the most stunning i have ever seen!!! good luck finding your camera:)
I am not Catholic either, but my best friend Jeanne is absolutely devout! She'll grab my hand and say that little prayer, and there have been sooooooooo many times it has worked! I lost a diamond ring while doing a Clutter Busters job and lo and behold I found it in ONE of the stack of clothes waiting for the Good Will.; there were SEVERAL piles and we're talkin' HUGE piles. I lost one of my diamond earrings, called her - and in about 15 mins I had found it ON THE FLOOR OF MY SHOWER! UGH!
Want me to call her? ;)
GOOD LUCK! Keep the Faith - it will be found!
I'd rather you be an occasional player than not at all. I love you style. Have a wonderful WW.
Take care,
Oh girl, I am doing the same thing. I have been trying to redo the master bedroom for a year and the linens I wanted were just so darn expensive. I ordered a velvet cream bedspread (I know...sounds kind of tacky but it was beautiful) by my DH complained about it being too hot so I am biting the bullet and ordering the linens I really wanted. beaucoup big bucks but I know I will be happy in the long run. I found a shabby white mantle for the room for a fireplace that I don't even have and made a cream colored fabric headboard. Maybe I can show the results on a White Wednesday. I don't know the prayer but I will wish with all my might that you find your camera.
Hi Lisa!
I am so sorry to hear that your camera is still MIA...
So I looked up the Prayer...
Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony
"Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints"
O Holy St. Anthony,
gentlest of Saints,
your love for God and
Charity for His creatures,
made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me (request). O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.
Hope this helps...I put in one for you also!
Lovin' the photos and the description of your design ideas for your bedroom!
Gorgeous bedroom pix!! I would love to redo mine too, but I won't even attempt to tackle it until the weather gets warmer.
I am sorry cannot help with the prayer...But oh la la I love the room ideas...just beautiful..cannot wait to see how you incorperate this into your home...
Lisa amor, beautiful pictures, I know your bedroom is going to come out gorgeous! I am Catholic...uhmm I think I am called non-practicing :) I just realized today is Ash Wed. :) You will find your camera, I said a prayer and will light a candle for you...That is my thank you offering and I believe that is what always helps me to find lost items :)Besos, Rose
I googled the St. Anthony Prayer & what you have written is exactly what I found.... I remember an old family friend of My Mom's use to say that Prayer everytime she lost something, which when I remember seemed to be Often~ I Hope you find your camera, I Love, Love, Love, the Photos.... can't wait to see when you re-do the Bedroom.
I just love this whole collage of photos. Your bedroom is going to be so pretty!
I've been M.I.A. for a while, but still enjoy your creations and reading your blog very much!
Happy WW :+)
That would be a dreamy bedroom! And good luck on finding your camera - I hope it turns up soon!
Lisa, I am so drooling over these pics. And I could not be more envious (or happier) that you are getting Bella Note linens. I have been in love with them from the first time I saw them but there is no way I can afford to splurge like that right now. I cannot wait to see your room finished. I am almost finished (for now) on mine. This weekend I hope to get the doors painted and then I will post pics.
I hope you find your camera soon!!
My Desert Cottage
Hi Lisa!
You are so sweet. I feel super important as though I was featured in a high fashioned decor mag along with the likes of Country Living! Yeehoo!
I like my new name, "pillow diva!"
Thank you Sweetie, you are so nice.
Now about that camera....did you retrace your stes, call everywhere you had been earlier, you know the drill.....
I'm sure the saints can help.
Ooooo.....bella notte still my heart!
I can't wait to see, but I know, you gotta find that camera!
We have a prayer like that in Dutch too. I just said it for you, hope that helped and you will find your camera too.
Gorgeous Gorgeous Lisa ~ that is totally how I want my room to look ~
I have a Flea Market STyle if you want me to bring it on Friday ~
Okay girl, this Catholic is to the rescue...I'll put in a good word for your camera ;)
I just love Sissie's pillow...she is amazing!!!!
Keep us posted if Saint Anthony is hears our prayer~
everything vintage
Lucky girl...I love room re-dos. Your ideas look fab!! Can't wait to see how you interpret them!
Dreamy indeed! And neutral - so you can change accent colors on a whim! ~ Angela
Bella Notte linens...lucky, lucky, lucky you! Can't wait to see your finished bedroom! Your finished studio has inspired me to FINALLY complete mine. Maybe I'll actually be able to create in there now. LOL Hope to see you Friday!
Hope you find your camera!
Hi Lisa, I absolutely love your new boarder and header. Awesome!
I'm not familar with that linen, but I bet it's wonderful. Can't wait to see you bedroom.
Big Hugs
Gorgeous images for WW Lisa. I see Deb's headboard in there. I have loved that thing since it was featured in the magazine.(can't remember which one) I also love that printer's tray you discovered. What a treasure trouve that is.
If Rebecca is helping you with your bedroom, it will be wonderful.Well it would be wonderful anyway, but the two of you...well that's just got to be a good thing. Thank you for the sweetest message.
Oh, I do hope you find your camera! I just found your blog today, and I'm anxious to see more of YOUR photos.
I just started working on my dream bedroom this past week - it looks like we have some similar loves.
Hi I just came over from Karen Valetines. I love your virtual mosaic. I'll have to do that myself. It's ok to steal your idea cuz you stole my photo which I stole too. I think it was Country Living the one with fluffy white bed and mannequin standing just outside the door. Love that one. I was reading your blog and noticed the snow photo's the yellow house one was breathtaking the street one was so cool too. I was thinking I wish we had taken some ourselvs. We didn't venture outsite. I noticed as I was leaving your my neighbor here in North Texas! I am glad Karen sent me over. It was nice meeting you. I'll come back.
Have a Blessed Thursday.
I just love everything you post. What a fabulous find in that printers tray! You are so funny praying to the saints for the return of your camera. I can imagine how you feel though. I think most of us would feel a little withdrawal if we couldn't find our own little digital devices. All your creations are just so beautiful and inspiring. I wish I could have one ounce of you creative juices. Your altered bottles are always gorgeous. Have a blessed day, Tammy
Hi! I'm Catholic and my mother always told me to say this prayer to Saint Anthony:
Good Saint Anthony, come around...
there is something which must be found...
Please help me find my camera.
I hope you find it! :)
Very pretty pictures, Lisa! Your artwork will fit perfectly into such kind of a bedroom! Could you find your camera in the meanwhile?
Beautiful ideas, Lisa, and Bella Norte linens will be the icing on the cake! Yay!!!
Hope your camera shows up soon! I don't know the prayer, but I'll send ya some positive thoughts, K?
Hey Lisa! The paper I used on the parisienne top hat is a copy of an 1806 French letter....wish I had distressed it up a bit & I still may. I can send you a copy if you want.
You bet you'll see me Friday night! Wait until you see what I'm working on...I'm so excited!
Your dream room mosaic is dreamy indeed. good luck finding your camera.
Oh my gosh...I love this post!! Johns Mom knows every prayer there is,I will ask this post!!!!!!!
ooooooh if you are going to get some Bella Notte linens I'm going to be so, so jealous!!! I love them too Lisa and can't wait to see yours, please do show us what you order!!! hugs and love, Dawn
i have always said
St Anthony please look around something is lost and must be found
and remember to thnak him when you find it. just say Thankyou St Anthony it has always worked for our family
St. Anthony, St. Anthony, please look around.
Something's lost and can't be found.
It works-my dog was returned to me after four long months- and miles away from home!
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