It's time for another episode of White Wednesday. Hosted by the always amazing Kathleen, I hope she doesn't think I bent the rules too much with this one. I just really like playing, & white comes in many shades- don't you think? Go to Faded Charm . to get a list of our other playmates

This picture has been hanging in my studio since I ripped it from a magazine 4 years ago. I love everything, it's positively luscious. This photo started me on my quest for the perfect mannequin.
And don't you just want to sleep in this room?? I'm a little obsessed with bedrooms right now, as I'm trying to re-do my own. The natural canvas on the dress form blended with the white & different textures is just perfect. All of that amazing linen puddled up on the floor, luxe to the max!
Can you see how the mannequin is used in this room? It's so unexpected.
So a new collection was born, so far I have four 'maniacs' of my own.One lives in my booth for the time being. Poor thing is always disgraced being used as a prop. But no more, she is coming home with me to hold court in the bedroom.
She started life not so pretty, but I had big makeover plans....
& they included heavy use of gesso & sheet music. I was pleased with the result.
Meet Vezzie! I love the Victorian details that Mary used, the frilly collar, her pleated skirt..OMG!!
Mary said she used Wilton cake decorating supplies. Go figure. Do you have mannequins living with you? Do you name them, & what do they wear?
Photo credits, Mary Brogdon, Romantic Country, Country Decorating Ideas & Country Living
Your comments yesterday were overwhelming, you guys are amazing! This is truly the official month of blog-love, I wonder sometimes just how many blogs there are out here. I think for every blog there must be 3 giveaways. OHOW alone has something like 900 giveaways. You could spend the whole day just entering wonderful goodie filled giveaways. Here are a few I entered.

Lori, at My Faerie Window, has these precious creations. She is also in the OHOW giveaway, so look for that one too!
Rebecca for Vintage Living is going to make someone, (hopefully me) very happy when she sends them this beautiful necklace.
Okay, I know you know but...Dawn is celebrating her 3rd year blogging!
And one last thing before you go. Have you visited My Dessert Cottage lately? If not Karen posted a tutorial on her darling altered lampshade? I am working on my own version right now, hopefully I'll share it with you soon. Thanks Karen, you always surprise & inspire me.

Hi Lisa, I'm just loving all your images of these rooms and I have two dress forms that I will never, EVER part with. I love what you did with the old sheet music. Great idea! Have a wonderful WW,
It's all so lovely, something I only dream about right now, with five sons, a husband, three cats and a dog it's not in my near future!
You have so many , beautiful , wonderful, shabby pictures.... I don't know where to start. so let me just say they are are STUNNING, GORGEOUS, SHABBINESS!
I really think your ready for your own Tarnished and Tattered magazine. Your pictures are great, love the content, and your followers are there.
xx C.
PS Can I have a job working on the magazine? I'm willing to start at the bottom. :)
Hi Lisa, Your mannequins are awesome! You did a fantastic makeover with using the sheet music! I love dress forms but I have only one yet and she is not vintage. Right now she wears a lace curtain skirt, a lace collar and a rhinestone brooch.
Lovely post always :)
Although, I do not participate in white Wed.....I love to see what everyone is sharing.
My dress form is my most coveted possession. I put her on layaway about 15 years ago.....she was expensive even then.
Right now she is sporting a black bustier but she looks sort of trampy~lol.....she needs to be wearing something a bit more modest and romantic/vintage.
Thought about altering the bustier.....with vintage elements.
All those great give~aways..yours is still my fav! Sheri
Oh, I am in love! I only have one mannequin in my home and she wears my necklaces. No name yet tho and I REALLY want to find her a tutu skirt to wear. Have a great day!!:)
Hi Lisa- Beautiful photos and wonderful mannequins! I love the one with the apron and lace collar LOL!
Lisa, they are wonderfull rooms, I too would love to live in them.
My only dress form is in my shop,where she wears different things, costumes,jewellery,schawls etc, and not for sale----
I love both of yours,and what you did with the one of them, is gorgeus.
Big hugs, Dorthe
Beautiful post!!!! I have 5 dress forms and 4 for sale. They are all different and all wonderful. They are so fun to decorate:)
Capers of the vintage vixens
Beautiful! Carol
Lisa, Great Great post!!
Love the pics of the rooms, dreamy!
and your mannequins! I have not found one yet. (well, found them, too cheap to buy them!). =0))
Thanks for your viists.
No need to enter my giveaway again if you have entered as follower, and posted about it. three times is just right.
just adding more fun to giveaway.
blessings and hugs
barbara jean
it took me forever to find my mannequin..her name is minnie and she lives in my boutique..i *love* her!!
you blog brought such a smile to my face and has given me direction in a couple projects!!
love your blog!!
faded prairie
Lisa you are TOO COOL!!!!!! Thank you sweetie. You just made my day!
I LOVE these pictures you posted. They are right up my alley. Sometimes I have a hard time achieving the look I know I want because everything just looks to new here. There just aren't enough great old accessories to be found near me!!!
I also LOVE the mannequins. I would love to have own but have never even seen one available. Oh well, the trials and tribulations of a desert dweller!!! LOL!!!
Have a great Wednesday!
My Desert Cottage
Hey Lisa
I have recovered and sold soooo many dressforms I have lost count throughout the years! But I sold 2 that were 2DF they were black with big iron claw feet... better not talk about it...sigh, the rent was due and I got $1200 a piece for them back in the day. Anyway I do have my little collection of gals but I don't have names for them...Maybe I should blog about that :)
I'm loving all your different shades of whites and also all your "ladies". thanksfor playing along today.
I am on a serious quest for a mannequin! Do you think I can find one on my trip to Texas (read my latest blog post - would love for you to give me some ideas!)? And where is your booth?
Hi Lisa,
Beautiful post and so many wonderful mannequins.
Love all the photos you have shared especially the old sheet music one.
I have only small mannequins and still looking around for a lovely old girl.
I hope that you are having a great week
Hi Lisa..I love your mannequins alot...your style is so appealing to my eye and I want to keep looking... Just lovely. Where is your you sell items somewhere I can go see?
Oh my goodness Lisa! I am just sittin here looking at these beautiful rooms and drooling.
I love your mannequin and yes, I agree you should take her home and give here a place of prominence in your bedroom.
I wish I had one. I'm working on it, that is looking. Someday I'll find her.
thanks for all the giveaway links.
Of course, I'm loving the mannequins, but my eye really went to the picture with the fringe lampshade- I think I've moved from a dress form fixation to a lampshade fixation. I'll have to check out the link to the tutuorial. I have a lampshade that I keep redecorating.
I think I have five or six mannequins and none of them have names- does that make me a bad mother?
Hi sweet Lisa!!! Ohmygoodness...all of the creams and white are so beautiful to me, unrealistic in my home but so gorgeous to look at!! I do have that one guest room that I'm STILL working on that's creamy....I'm so sorry I missed talking to you the other day!!! I've been going nuts working on getting stuff for the antique space ~ I hope you are doing great!!! I just love your maniacs...I'm addicted to those things! hugs and love, Dawn
Hi Lisa, Sheri of the Pawsh Poodle was talking about you on her blog so I clicked on over and lo and behold you are doing White Wednesdays too. I am still going down the list. I love your mannequins. They are so much fun. I haven't named mine but love using her as a "model". I did redo a mannequin head I had and just love the results. Happy White Wednesday. Come for a visit. :)
Cute post! I wish I had another Mani myself. I only have one. The hunt will be on. Can't wait to see you Friday. Hope this darn weather doesn't mess us up! HUGS! Charlene
What a glorious, magnificent post. I have enjoyed this so much.
4 mannequins...oh, my...lucky you...i have only one...but i love her to pieces...i saw her at the salvation army, and fell in love...they told me quite firmly that she was not for sale, she was for display only...i told my hubby about much i wanted her, and how sad i was that they wouldn't sell her to me...behind my back, he started making phone calls all the way up the chain of command at the SA until he found someone who said he could buy her for me...she was a softie who was touched by my husbands persistence in getting me my hearts desire...she was my valentine's gift a few years ago...thanks so much for posting about my giveaway, that was really sweet of you!!!
Oh wow Lisa not only are the manny lovely, but the image of the white bedroom is just so beautiful. I sure do love the manny you redid with the music papers. She could live at my house if she gets too difficult to handle. She looks like she could get a little sassy.
Thank you for such a dear message you shared with me. It made my day.
The second pic is one of my all-time faves!! I'm working on my room too and would love to get that look!
It was fun to see your deco. *maniac* again...
Lisa amor, I just want to move into each and everyone of those rooms :) But I especially LOVE your maniquins...I always wanted one of those lovely old ones with the gorgeous stand and tiny wheels and cage...but alas with the prices I have seen them...that is just not to be :) I did one day find one that I got at my favorite thrift that no one wanted, she was just a half one, but they had her facing the wall poor thing, I even got her 1/2 price because they wanted to get rid of for $8 I got the prettiest one I thought..when they turned her around, she was handpainted with beautiful roses all across her front...I was soo happy...she looks so lovey, my husband put a birdcage stand on her to give her height and I am looking for something to use as her top knob, whatever that is called ;) and her name is Sofia Rose, after Sofia Loren and me, because I wish I had her bod lol She wears lovely vintage hats and lovely necklaces and scarves, but no clothes, I want her roses to be seen, I think they are her beauty :) Besos, Rose
Oh Lisa, I just love vintage dress form. When I say manniquin around my house everyone thinks, big and plastic. I did find one a week ago, for $58, I was not sure how to tell if it was vintage or worth $58. Any advice?
I just love your blog.
I just adore your altered mannequin. Would you be able to post some more details about how you went about transforming her??? I have one that looks like it has a stretchy blue material over it, and I would love to make her look old, like yours. I have two other mannequins as well - but they are perfect the way they are - so does that mean I have a collection too??? LOL!!! I'm thinking I just cut off the material, then apply gesso. I've never used gesso though. do you wait for it to dry, then apply sheet music over that with a gel medium????? Oh, please help. Mannequins are difficult to come by, and I'd hate to ruin it...
Thank you so much.
No, I don't have my own mannequin yet. But I so want one! Especially after I saw yours all beautified with sheet music. I do love to decoupage. This would be a dreamy project for me. Now to find one of my very own... (By the way, you have a lovely blog and I shall return very soon to visit!)
Hi Lisa
I don't have any mani's living with me just my men:)
Yours are fab!!
Lisa, I have those first two pics in my inspiration book as well. Great minds think alike. Love this post.
Wow what a fab White Wednesday. I'm a little late but glad I didn't miss it. That mannequin transformation is amazing. I have two right now and they could just use a bit of help. I just cover them in vintage clothing. I guy at th Ny show told me he paints them and distresses them.
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