Bless me bloggers, for I have sinned, it's been days since my last post.
But I have a confession to make.
I've been too busy to blog, cuz it's been a week long birthday extravaganza here.
Since Kevin & my birthday is a week apart, we planned a B-day hoopla at
Boy oh boy, kids really change your ideas of romantic celebration, huh?
We had a blast tho, I wouldn't have it anyother way!
So begins the birthday haul! The kids picked out all my goodies & even made the wrapping paper.
This exotic arrangement is from my Sissy & her family in Austin.
Then my sweet hubby baked bought this beautiful cake for me!
My darling niece Chelsea spent the past semester studying in Paris, so I had my own personal shopper! My Sissy sent along some money for my birthday treats. I gotta say, the girl did good!
Love this french writing.
A French philosophy book dated 1925.
Some adorable cards, is that about the sweetest illustration ever?!
This children's song book is toooo cute!
I should have gotten her to interpret before she went back to Austin.
Postcards with lots of writing.
I didn't know Janis Joplin came from France?!
And of course some wonderful old lace!
I think Chelsea did great, poor thing was scared to death smuggling it all back through customs.
Okay, you'd think that would be enough - right?
A birthday box filled with awesome treasures from my dear blogging friend. I gasped when I opened it up & saw this! Look at that pod on the left!
There was so much vintage goodness inside, it would have taken forever to download pictures of it all.
So here are some highlights, beginning with my favorite thing of all. This beautiful old tin type of 2 friends, how appropriate. Yummy bits of lace, tatting & an old watch face.
Crusty star & an old tin box.
These soaps smell like heaven! And she made the tiny wired nest, isn't it just the coolest?
The label on these old laces had me foaming at the mouth!
A beautiful tag.
She knows I collect these quilted glove boxes, the pink on this one is faded to perfection. The little doll slip is precious, don't you think it would be lovely in a tattered collage?
Filled to the brim!
Enough already??!! Are you tired of seeing all of my beautiful gifts?
I hope not, I have one more!
It arrived on my birthday, how perfect is that?! After all, I was Queen for a day!
I gotta tell you, this crown is so amazing in person. Pictures just don't do it justice. I love it Debra, thank you so much for choosing 2 Lisa's to win!
So what do you think?? Am I spoiled or what? This was the best 29th birthday ever!

Oh my gosh, look at all your beautiful birthday yumminess. Everything is amazing. Are you wearing your crown??? Happy Birthday Lisa! And a very Happy Mother's Day!
Happy birthday, Lisa! 29 is such a fabulous age to be....right? Such an amazing assortment of goodies and gifties for the Queen of Tarnished and Tattered! Enjoy. ~ Angela
You really had a great birthday! What fabulous gifts from family and friends. I LOVE that crown! I'm so glad you had such a great week!
Wow--you are a very spoiled and may I say very lucky lady!! all of your gifts were amazing, but I think I loved the wrapping paper your children made the best!! Happy birthday, Julie
Everything is wonderful! Happy Birthday and yes kids change everything but like you I loved it!
Happy birthday! and have fun enjoying all those wonderful gifts!
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh what a fun and glorious birthday celebration you had! Love ALL of your goodies that you received.
Happy Happy Birthday. Continue the celebration! *smiles*
Definately spoiled :D
Happy Birthday Lisa - Wonderful gifts filled with goodies. I would love to get that kind of gifts too.
Thanks for sharing.
xo Tina
Hi Lisa! Happy Birthday to you too! Aren't they fun? Mine was last week and YUP! spoiled rotten. LOVE IT! But it just keeps going, I've gotten gifts in the maill all week . . . it's so fun.
Love the pictures of the triplets . . .and yes, the romance on vacations is pretty much shot to h#@*# and back for you until you can trust them with their own room . . . GOOD LUCK WITH THAT! :)
Your goodies are TOO DIE FOR! OMG! (oh - sorry, I just drooled on the keyboard . . . )
have a wonderful Mothers Day! :) Karen
Awwwww.... looks like you had a wonderful birthday week! Great treasures! Happy Birthday!
Wow, what a birthday!! Glad it was so happy.
What a wonderful birthday you had, Lisa. Look at all those yummy gifts. Gorgeous! I'm happy that you've been spoiled so much! It will be fun to see what you will create with all the goodies.
Happy Mother's Day! Keep the celebrations going :-)!
Big Hugs,
Lisa, Lisa,
CONGRATULATIONS sweetie,with the 29!!! :) and a big birthday kiss from me, how wonderfull you had such a fantastic birthday week, in your little family.
You was really blessed with all kinds of dear ,and sweet wonderfull gifts, --the crown is a very special thing,-wonder if we could have a photo with you wearing it? :)
Happy mothers day tomorrow my dear, and all the very best for you in your new year to come,--
love and blessings.
What a Happy Birthday you had!! Your kids are so cute!!
Lisa, thank you for the call yesterday. I so appreciate it and I hope the rest of you day was good! You're not spoiled, you're special! Can't wait to see what you do with all those goodies and oh, that crown Debra did! Whoa ~ over the top cool! Hope your Birthday was good.
Wish I had known it was your B Day. For some reason I thought you were celebrating the kids Birthdays. Anyway Happy belated Birthday to my special friend. You got some awesome things. Love it all,especially that blinged out crown.
Wow! You and your friends and family know how to do it up right for your birthday--so many beautiful things and that CAKE! OMG!
Happy Birthday!! You received some fabulous gifts, the Paris gifts were amazing!!
Happy Mother's Day.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Lisa, Happy Birthday to you!
Bet ya never heard that one before.
Love you girl and I am so happy that you had a happy birthday with your family. Which by the way, are as cute as pies! Why aren't you in the picture???? Love to see your pretty face too.
Love all those yummy gifts.
HOW DID I NOT KNOW IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY?????? I guess that is just not a question that ever came up!!!! OK when is the real day? I love all the goodies you got. The french goodies... she did very good! OK, we gotta get together soon! HUGS & HAPPY BDAY! Charlene
Holy cow - you made out girl. First the great time with your familoy and the wonderful cake - Yummm!!! and all those treasures - I would have been happy with even just a few of those - but you made a haul! Thanks for sharing - even though now, we are all jealous!
Happy Birthday - and Happy Mother's Day~~~
Just poppin in for a visit from Sissie's! Happy Belated Birthday to you and your hubs!
You really made out! I think I spent a solid 15 minutes staring at all your bday loot!!
How did you keep your birthday such a secret from all of us. You naughty girl. Well it looks like you hit the Mother Load again. Your treasures are just magnificent!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with when you start creating with all that loot. Happy Birthday late and we need to get together soon.
Hugs, Pat
yes i do think your spoiled! so feel free to send me some of your treasures, loved them all! happr belated bday! diane
You are definitely spoiled. Enjoy it! That crown is gorgeous. Happy birthday to you and your honey and have a wonderful mother's day. Mimi
Lisa, dear. Let me say that YOU REALLY SCORED BIG for your birthday! Lucky girl, receiving all those beautiful, wonderful, vintage, girly, (did I say beautiful?) goodies! Your week sounds just perfect to me.
Happy Birthday, Lisa. Wishing you many, many more.
Happy Mother's Day!
Dear, sweet Lisa, the crown looks just PERFECT on your dress form!!!! I hope you have the most wonderful Mother's day ever ~ hugs and love to you, Dawn
Lisa amor, I am sooo glad that you had such a wonderful Birthday extravaganza!! Look at all that gorgeous loot!! You are sooo loved :) I hope that you have a wonderful...beautiful...amazing Mother's Day 3xs over!! Sending you much love, hugs and besos, Rose
Spoiled is an UNDERSTATEMENT...
Who is the mystery blogger friend with all the wonderful gifts?...
But what I'm really freaked out over is that ROSE didn't write you a book for her comment! hahahah
Seriously Lisa...I'm so happy that you and Kevin enjoyed your birthdays with the chillllrrren...they are just too precious! And now Mother's are the Queen during the month of May!!!! wooo hooo!
Back to the mysterious blogger friend with all the goodies...she's a keeper! ;)
She knows you well and put a LOT of love in that box!!!!
As for Chelsea...well...I'm loving all that Paris love to say the least!!!!
If you can't find any room in your studio to place all that, just mail it to me for safe keeping!!!
Have a wonderful Mother's Day Lisa!!!!
Love you!!!!! those little fingers in the photo of your birthday cake!!!!
(totally made me giggle)
Dear Lisa,
First and foremost HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It's so much fun to share in your family's joy as they celebrate your so special day!
Your gifts are amazing as are their new owner!
Happy Mother's Day! What a great way to celebrate ~ I miss those days! Glad you had a great birthday. Your treasures are wonderful ~ I can see you now wearing the crown as you go through the boxes!
Happy Birthday Lisa!!! What gorgeous treasures you did receive!!
Hey Lisa Girl... Happy Happy 29!
So fun to see all the goodies, you are a spoiled brat...ha!
You are so worth it and those babies of yours are sooooo cute!
Wishing you a happy moms day...many blessings over
Hi Lisa!
I came over from Sissies place and she was right - you have a contagious sense of humor!!
I love your blog and your birthday post was such fun to read! OH THAT CAKE!!
Happy 29th to you - I don't remember that far back - but I know you will always have memories of your special day!!!
Wow on this post and the previous one, Lisa! All those goodies in that treasure chest just for YOU! That gifter is what one calls a true friend who knows what you love and gives you things she would probably want to keep for herself!
Your celebration looks so special! Great family you have there! So...who ate all the cake?
The post below this one...the box you created...OH - MY - GOODNESS!!
Talent, you've got talent, girl!
Well, you have a wonderful Mother's Day and let those kiddies pile up on you with major hugs!
A Warm Hug from Me...
Hey Lisa! Happy Birthday, belated of course! Girl you certainly were spoiled on your special day. So fantastically wonderful when your family and friends know you so well that they give you the most perfect gifts. Fun stuff! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! :) Tammy
Hello dear Lisa,
And a belated Happy Birthday, my sweet friend!
Thank you so much for your unbelievably kind comments on my last post, they truly did touch my heart.
Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day!
Lisa, happy birthday! You deserve every bit and bob that you received and then some. I am in love with that crown.
Lisa, i hope you had a wonderful time with your sounds like you did:)
oh, got the mother lode of birthday goodness...your niece did a totally amazing job of finding french goodies for you...i was drooling over every single thing...and i love the box of treasures from your friend, so many pretty things in there...i would say you had a wonderful birthday!!!
Happy Birthday, Lisa! Sounds like a wonderful birthday week and your goodies and the FABULOUS cake are to die for!!
I hope you had a wonderful mothers day... you certainly deserve one!
I am sorry about your mom, I know it was hard to lose dad a while back but I am lucky to have them as long as I have. It is hard sometimes to realize that they are not going to be here forever and it will be me in their shoes soon enough...that is a scary the matriarch! My poor kids. Have a wonderful week.
Happy Birthday fellow Taurian! Great Wolf Lodge sounds like an ideal getaway to me, too. We go to a Holiday Inn with a water park, and Sugarwings calls it the Bucket Park. Its a great getaway because its fun for all of us.
No wonder you have just a great smile all the time! You have such good friends and family that love you so much!
Sorry we got your present to you late! Glad you had a great birthday!
Happy Birthday ans i think you be spoiled!! And yes Kids changes everything but for the best i think!!!
A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What a haul - so many fun goodies to play with.
PS- those little fingers about to touch the butterfly on the cake are just the cutest thing!
What wonderful birthday treats! Especially the handmade yummies!
Happy Birthday!!! Your goodies are so wonderful!! What a wonderful vintage goodie box.
And I LOVE those sparkly flower basket cakes from Market Street - the most beautiful ever!
What a fabulous haul of goodies, and you deserve it! Happy happy belated Birthday. I'm swooning from the French ephemera, and what a sweet hubby to take you for a vay-kay for your B-Days. Glad you're lovin' the crown. it looks amazing on the dress form display!
Big hugs,
Wow, you had a wonderful birthday for sure! Your gifts are so varied and amazing! The cake was gorgeous -- I wish I could get a beautifully decorated cake like that on my birthday! I wouldn't have been able to keep my fingers out of it, either! Your niece has you down -- as does your sweet sister for planning that! (The letter you showed from France is actually in German, did you know that?) It's all gorgeous!
Someboy really knows you girl. Everything is so amazing. You do what you do so well. I'm glad you had such a wonderful birthday. And I feel bad for you with what ever is wrong in your mouth. Ouch!
OMGoodness...what else can be said? Smiles!!!
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