Warning: This is a long one, but the payoff's worth it!
For years I've heard the urban legend about a sweet old lady who bestow's happiness & riches of a vintage variety upon a lucky junker. I never believed it, until it happend to me! Last weekend while picking through a table at a garage sale, I stuck up a conversation with one of the home owners. I asked if she had any crafting supplies, fabric, lace, buttons. You know, your basic mixed media wish list. The woman, Roxanne, told me she was moving & had scads of the stuff at home & was I interested? I gave her my phone number, went on with my day & figured I'd never hear from her.
Well, Monday evening while nursing my throbbing mouth, the phone rang. It was Roxanne, did I want to come over & see her stash? Kevin was shocked when I grabbed my keys & headed for the door. Even root canal surgery wouldn't keep me away from an opportunity to snoop through a sweet old ladies fabric stash! I took along a couple of my tattered collages to give her an idea of what I was looking for.
Are you still reading???
This is the good part...
Roxanne starts pulling out these boxes filled with the yummiest, creamy, vintage laces. Before she even gets them all out, I asked her how much she wanted for the whole lot? Nothing, she said. Nothing!
She insisted I take it all. She liked my work & saw a kindred spirit.
This is the good part...
Roxanne starts pulling out these boxes filled with the yummiest, creamy, vintage laces. Before she even gets them all out, I asked her how much she wanted for the whole lot? Nothing, she said. Nothing!
She insisted I take it all. She liked my work & saw a kindred spirit.
Roxanne is an avid crafter & quilter.
And a long time collector of everything we LOVE!
Some of this amazing lace & trim was her Grandmother's.
Some very old,
yellowed from age,
some a little newer,
To say I was overwhelmed is an understatement. But she wasn't done. 'Do you like buttons', she asked?
Of course they were sorted by color.
Pearly whites, cool blacks,
Those little bones are glass beads.
'Can you use costume jewelry'?
Lovely lockets,
Some vintage bling,
Old watches.
Then came the sewing notions.
I love this old satin blanket binding.
Some old Wrights, & some cool funky stuff.
These old embroidery skeins are awesome, ohhh the colors, & the labels!
She shared so many wonderful things, muslin, linen this old burlap looking ribbon.
As we poured through boxes, she shared her story. She is a retired HR person, a lifelong crafter & leaving soon for Minnesota to care for a terminally ill cousin. She also shared her love of paper crafts. Look at the sweet cards she makes.
She recycles holiday cards & even paper bags! She shares her passion & her time, teaching seniors card making.
I believe God puts people in our lives for a reason. A casual conversation led to such a generous gift, from such a special lady. Roxanne was as giddy as I was that night. So excited to find someone to pass her treasures onto, someone who'd love them as much as she did, & who would do something creative with it all.
My quick trip turned into a 2 hour visit, I left with 2 full boxes of lovelies & a new friend. Someday, (hopefully many years from now), I'll pass it on to a younger grateful artist.
Thank you so much for all of the birthday & get well wishes you left me! Everyday I am reminded of the wonderful friends I've made here in blogland. You are the best! I'm about halfway through my oral ordeal (OMG, that sounds dirty), 3 days in a row of root canals, etc. I have a week to rest & then big surgery next Thursday. I'm just warning you, there may be some drug induced posts coming up!

I am speechless. What a wonderful treasure trove of lovelies. And the best part is that you made someone very happy too. Congrats on your good fortune. And truly you must be a very gracious gal because in this life what goes around comes around and you're the living proof! Please drop by for my little giveaway! Mollye
How wonderful to meet such a kindred spirit!! She knows she met one too! How lucky you are to receive such treasures and how lucky is she to know they will be treasured and used so beautifully! After what you are going through you deserve this treat! Thanks for sharing!!
OMG!!! You have the GREATEST neighbors! What a wonderful haul! I couldn't have bought all that loveliness. You lucky lady. Can't wait to see what you do with all of it.
O my gosh!! You were meant to meet her. These things don't happen by accident!! What a wonderful stash of stuff!!
That is UNBELIVABLE!!!! I know that is computer yelling but I don't know what else to say. I have never seen such a treasure trove of riches. My daughter brought home a lovely box full of such things about a month ago. I was thrilled to pieces, needless to day. But, this, this massive amount is about ten times as much and so lovely I can't stand it! I do believe that people are put in our lives for gifts like these and hope you will be able to continue the friendship, And if not, you had the incredible joy of finding treasures (including a lovely woman) like you never have seen before and she got to pass on her story and the legacy of loving the same thing.
I am so happy for you!
Extremely Awesome!!Wishing you a speedy recovery with your dental work, too.
I'd post more but I am coughing up a lung over here. Seems like a bad week for more than a few of us. :(
But you got a wonderful reward :)
You lucky little stinker, good for you! That's great stuff!
Oh, and I got my little package from you yesterday, thank you so much! It's wonderful!
That's wonderful! I can't wait to see what you do with it. You should make Roxanne a lovely gift and send it to her! Hope your tooth ordeal goes smoothly. Kathy
It always give me pleasure to give something to someone I know will enjoy it. How lucky you were to meet this very wonderful woman. Peace.
I always love to hear stories about how a casual comment or question leads to a wonderful things. It happened to you! What a lovely woman - I bet she is so happy knowing her treasures will be appreciated and used creatively. Congratulations!
Now that's the stuff dreams are made of! So awesome. Roxanne is quite a talented lady who is sharing the creative loot with another super talented lady! Hope you are feeling better soon. ~ Angela
You are one extremely fortunate gal...but, I'm sure you already know that! And a new friend in the mix. What a blessing! Thanks for sharing all your new goodies with all of us. It's all just perfect for you, my dear.
Wow! What a fantastic little lady you ran into. How sweet of her to be so generous. Your images leave me jealous. ;D What hours of fun you are going to have playing with your new supplies. You are one lucky lady. I can only imagine how happy she must have felt passing along her treasures to someone she knew would love them just the same.
Have fun creating!
Lisa ~
how precious ! I love to meet people like that to share a common bond ~
I hope you are feeling better girlfriend !!
That is so great for you! Those laces look yummy. Enjoy your new finds.
Hi there
Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well! I have been down and out myself but I am coming back.
Surgery tomorrow? My best to you sweetie, I pray everything will work out well.
Ewww I hate the dentist!
Blessings to you and i am so glad you met such a wonderful person with all the fun stuff.
Hope you had a good mothers day and birthday!
That's it! I'm going to start talking to every little old lady I come across! It must have been fate that brought you two together!
i'm sorry lisa but i am going to have to call the "Elder Abuse Hotline" and report you on this one because you literally robbed that poor innocent woman! LOL! :) Wow...how very sweet of her to find a kindred spirit in you and bestow these wonderful treasures to you. they will all be made into wonderfully creative treasures for many to enjoy i'm sure. a very special tribute to your newfound friend!
That's a GREAT story. I know you will make her something special. I believe God brings kindred spirits togeather to feed our souls.
Love U,
How Amazing ~ Just a Blessing, Meant to Be ~ Feel Better.....
That sweet little lady took one look at your dollbaby face and couldn't resist giving you all those lovely pieces of vintage gorgeousness! Oh my gosh, I would have thought I died and went to heaven. I remember the day one of our dealers walked in with a huge box of vintage laces and I had my pick! What a good time I had.
I know how exciting it can be to put your hands on treasures like these. Ooh, you lucky girl. Right place at the right time....or devine intervention!
You are very deserving of these wonderful bits of pretties and I know you are going to create so many wonderful things.
I'm happy for you Miss Lisa.
hugs and smooches!
How fun for both of you {giver and receiver!} Sounds like a match made in heaven for sure. I'd like to think that we will all share in that kind lady's generosity. Eventually as pieces find their way into your art we'll all be given some new inspiration!
Hope everything goes well with the final phases of this oral surgery "adventure"...
Lisa........... this is the best post ever. I so loved reading your story. I can't believe all the beautiful things you have and how nice to meet such a special lady. It was meant to be for sure. I often wonder what will happen with all my "STUFF" as my kids think I have gone mad with what they call junk. Thanks for sharing this story!
What an amazing story and even more beautiful woman. This isn't a cowinkydink...just a blessing coming back to you. How will you ever bear to cut any of it. It's all so gorgeous.
P.S. Sorry I missed your happy birthday...and your oral exam...but at least your teeth will look pretty while you're smiling over her perfect gift.
Lisa~ this is such a sweet story...she knew she was sending her special goodies to a very good home! Hope you are feeling better SOON!! What you are going through does NOT sound fun!!
Lisa, what a precious gift! You are both blessed to have connected! I hope your friendship is eternal!
Praying for a speedy recovery for your upcoming surgery! Drug-induced posts...hmmmmm...sounds interesting...and fun! :)
How wonderful for you both!! And just when you needed it. Is our God good or what?!
That is how I felt when I was invited to get goodies from my late great aunt's home. I was so excited about the trims and laces and supplies that I didn't even bother to look at the other things in the house.
Hi Lisa, what an amazing blessing to find, and a lovely new friend. All the goodies are definitely perfect for you, and perfect timing since you are having the "ordeal"! You deserve a blessing for all that! Hope you'll be feeling better soon!
Oh my oh my oh my oh my .... Wow ....
I've always been jealous of you...now this tops it all. You know I'm your bestest friend...you ARE going to share with me...right?
(I made a deal with Kevin...he will have you sign over your stash to me when you are all doped up)
Oh my Holy Mother Mary! I'm just speechless...absolutely beautiful! And I DO mean your treasure and the story of how you came to possess it... xoxo
What a sweet lady to give you all those gorgeous treasures, Lisa! That was just what you need right now, while going through those oral treatments. Perfect timing! Good luck for the surgery, Sweetie!
Big hugs,
Aww Lisa what a wonderful story, Lucky you and lucky Roxanne!:)
It's my daughters name btw "Roxanne", so I love it and I never heard an old lady having this name, she must be such a gem!
I often wonder, what will happen with all my treasured stuff once I'm gone and I think it is the best idea to pass it over to someone younger who truly appreciate it, one day!
Sending you well wishes!
oohoohohoh WOW - that is so amazing and fantastic. What a sweet lady and so generous. You are one lucky lady Lisa.
Can´t wait to see what you create with this.
xo Tina
OMG! What a kind lady Roxanne is and the lace - swoon - and buttons - more swooning! Why don't I know anyone like that??!!
I'm sure the delight of such treasures took away your pain for a few hours. You lucky girl. Enjoy!
Lisa,lisa, oh my, it was meant to be yours ,all this wonderfull stasch of beauty.What a sweet lady, and as you say kindred spirit,
so lovely for you,-and you so totally deserve it, you sweet,lady.
I just visited Rebecca, and saw all you send her, -your art is gorgeus.
Love and hugs,Dorthe
I am going to need a mop to wipe up the drool that is all over my laptop. LOL
I can't wait to see what you do with all of this wonderfulness!
Happy hunting,
I am grinning from ear to ear--you are being rewarded for having to go through all of your terrible oral ordeals :)
LISA YOU HIT THE MOTHER LOAD!!!!!!!Lucky you! Helps take the sting out of the hurt doesn't it???? Hope you make Robin something wonderful to remember you & her generosity by. I know you'll cook up something wonderful. Take care. HUGS! Charlene
what a lovely encounter, with such a lovely soul! I do hope you got her forwarding address, I think it would be divine if you made something out of her things and gave it to her as a thank you. I'm sure it's something she would love to have :)
My hands are shaking just at the thought of this!!! You hit the crafters lotto my dear!!! What a wonderful gift she gave you. Not only in the beautiful items, but in the unselfish gesture to a virtual stranger. I love those random acts of generosity and kindness! I can totally see you rushing out the door in spite of a throbbing mouth!!!! I hope your "oral" issues are resolved soon!!! I hate dental work!!!
Wow! Simply beautiful for a beautiful woman! God does place people in our paths for a reason...look at how blessed you are in more ways then one!!
well, I am going to do some more casual talking from this point on! lol that's for sure!
I absolutely cannot believe the treasures you've found! what bliss! and all for a great price....
n o t h i n g !!!
happy creating!
ciao bella
creative carmelina
My Heart was pounding with excitment to see it all...I hope one day my stash is a trashered old lady stash...lol...you lucky lady sounds like you touched her heart....
I got chills while I was reading your post. That is so awesome. God is so good that way!
Oh, what a dream!!! I'm glad you were there at the right time. God's plan.
Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm glad you were touched by the poem. I also lost my mom... for me it was 7 years ago June 1st. Still miss her.
Funny thing, my mom was the kind of lady you met. She loved yard sales, and she would randomly give things to complete strangers just because they really loved it.
Enjoy your new friend, and all those lovely treasures! Looks like many hours of creating are ahead of you!
Nita Jo
What a haul you made! And how fun to find a kindred spirit - nothing gets you higher than that, right? Thanks for sharing the pictures.
*sigh*...yes I had heard of the "suburban legends" myself, but never had found them to be all that true. Thanks for proving that it really does happen (you lucky dog!) and perhaps that eased the pain of all that you are going through orally! :D Kindred spirits are wonderful, and always a delight when we find one!
Obviously, Lisa, this was what would call a "Serendipitous Moment"! Sometimes the stars are just in perfect alighment.
Enjoy your treasures! I know you will
I can't think of a more deserving person to receive such a blessing. I am sure the joy you brought to this lovely lady was a blessing to her in return. The laces and buttons are amazing and I am looking forward to seeing what you do with it all. Happy crafting and hope you are feeling better!
Lisa - I read the post and I also read all of your comments. It sounds like everybody knows your heart and who you are. I have no doubt that this was a special gift to you from a loving Father in Heaven, thanking you for serving him. I add my understanding of this to all of your blogger friends.
I know that I will share apart of you with children in need all around the world.
I can see, in my minds eye, many beautiful and creative things that you will make. I love how you took some of your art to show to your new friend. What goes around, does come around.
Good luck with your dental work.
What a great story! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! I could picture being there...pouring through the old boxes...what a great gift you both received...hugs!
This is a wonderful story. I have a box of lace (much more modern) that I got off of ebay I do not need...You have just inspired me to be generous to someone who will, and maybe add some of the other things I got off ebay estate sales that I don't need, while I am add it.
Oh Sweetie, I am first sorry to hear of all your dental work...yuk! I have had my share of root canals! And second I missed your Birthday!?! I am sorry, I have been in a tunnel...vision that is with all these shows. Happy happy belated birthday!
I am so happy you made such a kindred spirit friend and how thrilling to receive such a lovely gift.
Hope your summer is going well... I am trying to catch up here in blogland...how was your camping trip?
ttysoon I hope
That is a dream come true! What a blessing for you! Love your artwork. Just discovered you. Our styles are identical! Hugs and Tweets! Debbie
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