life surprises you!
All I ever wanted was to be a Mother.
But as child-less years ticked by, I accepted my role as 'the fun auntie'. Then one day.....
God turned my world upside down!
They blew into my life like a tropical storm.
And things have never been the same.
(Thank goodness)
And suddenly they are five!
Where did the years go?
I should be happy, but I find myself hugging them a 100 times a day, sometimes with a tear rolling down my cheek.
What will they wish for when they blow out their candles tomorrow?
My wish is for the next 5 years to go by very slowly.
Happy Birthday Lily, Philip & Owen!

Happy Birthday to your precious kids.
I hope you have a wonderful time of celebration.
They are so precious! God has blessed you with these adorable children! You are right hug and kiss them every day because they will grow up really fast.
Oh the best and most precious blessings and gifts to you!! Happy Birthday to your beautiful children! You are blessed girl!!! And...mommy should always get a shout out for Birthing Them! Happy Day to you too Lisa! You did real good!!! Love yah...Lovey
Happy birthday to your babies!
It is funny how life works and how it changes everything after they arrive in your life. I can't imagine three my one is hard enough to watch grow so fast in front of my eyes. This time does fly by and it is crazy to think of them as that tiny little one you brought home or three :)
Congrats and let the tears roll!
They are beautiful!! You must have had so much love you NEEDED three at once!!
Awww hon...I so know how you feel!!! These precious angels grow like weeds, you blink and they are years older!!! I hope Owen, Lily and Philip have the most wonderful birthday sweet friend ~ and remember what I said, "THESE are the good ol' days"....hugs and love, Dawn
How wonderful, I read your story. You have three terrific children. Annette x
They are just darling and oh that sonogram is just the best!! Hugs and blessings to all of you. Happy Happy Birthday!
Dear Lisa:
Happy Birthday to your three miracles. I'm so happy for all of you!
Oh Sweet Lisa! I can so relate. We waited, prayed and tried everything to have a child. When we finally submitted our will to God, He blessed us with our first son (through adoption). Then, 2 1/2 years later, I birthed our triplets! He does work in mysterious ways. At the end of the month our trio will be off to kindergarten. The days are long but the years have flown by. We are a happy, blessed few.
xoxo, Rebecca
I know how you feel... mine is 4 years old and tears were streaming down my cheeks as I left the school Wednesday. Your children are so lucky to have you as their mother... so caring and loving, it shows in your post. I'll bet that tropical storm that came blowing in hasn't calmed down yet!! :)
we are all blessed.
< : )
< : )
< : )
Happy Birthday to 3 Adorable Blessings..... xo xo xo I'm sure they are having a Wonderful time
What a precious post. LOVE that sonogram! Keep hugging them, every day! I still hug on my 21 and 16 year olds, sometimes with tears welling up in my eyes........the time just goes by so quickly.
Aren't they just the cutest kidos ever! You definitely have your hands full and I know you love every minute! Happy Birthday, Lily, Philip and Owen! You guys have a pretty cool mom; just say'in!
Wishing your trio a Happy 5th birthday! I love the names you gave to them.
I'm soooooooo happy for you!
Happy Birthday Mommie to your sweet darling triplets. They are absolutely adorable.
Lily, Philip and Owen are the cutest names to go with their sweet faces. They are so lucky to have you as their Mom.
Happy Birthday to your amazing threesome!!! I know what you only grandson is 5 & starts kindergarten in a week. I'm crying too. I know I will sob if I go with him & Mommy to the school, so I think I'll stay away for a bit. It seems like YESTERDAY to me, that I took her to her 1st day of kindergarten. Arghhhhhhh
Why do our baby's have to grow so darn fast??? :)
Have a fantabulous day!!!
Hi Lisa. Happy Birthday to your beautiful children. Yay!! Have a great weekend.
They are just adorable soon to be 5 year olds!
How amazing! I know what you mean about being the fun aunt and the growing too fast! My 5 year old nephew started school this year and I WAS more sad than mys sister! He is my bitty buddy but not any more! Have a great birthday tomorrow and you can try not feeding them, but I think they will grow anyway ;)
Hugs, Lisa
Lisa - You are so very blest! Your children are absolutely beautiful! I absolutely love to see photos of your children - their sweet smiles just make my day! LOVE this post!
What gorgeous babies you have!!! How delightful to be turning five.......and three times the trouble!!!
They look adorable, so happy and I love the tutu on Lily's head!
Have a happy birthday three times over!!!!
Margaret B
Sweetheart...hang on tightly and then even tighter because sadly once they start school, the years really do rush by. Savor each moment...journal it...photograph it and keep the memories close. They are precious dollbabies and God has triple blessed you. I'm always amazed at His perfect timing.
I envy you for what the years ahead hold. I miss my babies being babies and I truly miss the school years. You are going to have a'll be the coolest home room mother ever.
Happy Birthday time three!
Oh my gosh, you have three Leos?? There must be some drama at your house!!
Happy birthday to each and every one of them!
They do grow up fast..That is a blessing I would say. I always prayed that I would have a son first so when I had a daughter she would have an older brother...well God must have heard an echo and he gave me 8 sons and then the girl but I had to have them 1 at a time :)
Awwww, my little niece and nephews are having a birthday!
Tell them that their COOL Auntie Anne wishes them a birthday with all the toys and cake they can handle! ;-)
Love to y'all!
Your kids are so darn cute- and you are so wise to enjoy each and every day with them instead of saying "someday, when they're older..."
(like, some day, when they're older, they'll be able to clean the top of the refrigerator, and dust the ceiling fans- just enjoy that it's easy for them to wash the floor because they're closer to it than you)
Sweet and precious!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your cute little kids, Lisa! I'm sure you'll make it a wonderful and exciting day for them to remember.
Have a great weekend :-)!
Hugs to you,
Wish I could tell you that the time would go slower, but as they get older and in SCHOOL, the time will start flying. Anyway that was how it was with my kids, after they started to school. Seems like yesterday they were little tots like yours and Sept. 5th my baby will be 47. So enjoy every minute you can and make all the memories you can, they grow up soooo fast.
I hope you all have the best birthday ever and may all your wishes come true.
Love and Hugs,
Oh Lisa, they are so cute!! Happy birthday to all! Blessings~~~Daphne
Hi Lisa, well, I've just gotten caught up with your posts .. right back to about June 23rd. I've missed so much while I was away. And all I can say is you rock! Congrats on your 5-page spread. You deserve it as you are so very talented! Happy birthday to your three little ones. Best wishes, Tammy
Lisa, dear Lisa
Big happy birthday to you and your so sweet children, what a wonderfull photo of them you showed you, they aRE THE biggest gift one can get, and yours are so beautifull, and cute.
But you could only get such wonderfull kids : ) sweet lady.
I wish you all a gorgeus birthday.
Love and blessings, Lisa
( your packet is not forgotten! some day next week it will be off to my dear friend.)
Hugs, Dorthe
Boss lady!!!! Hi amor! I can't believe your gorgeous bebes are now 5!!!!!!!!!!!! OMStars...say it isn't so :( But I will say this...this is one of your loveliest posts because they are sooo beautiful to look at! They got all the best from both their gorgeous parents :) Please give them huge hugs & kisses to each of them on their special day & eat some yummy cake for me and amor...Give yourself a HUGE hug from me for being such an amazing mami and one of the most loving & caring friends in the world! Love & miss you more than words can say! Besos, Rose
Oh my goodness, I didn't realize that it was triplets that you had!! How darn cool that is!! and Happy Birthday to those cuties. Love every day with them--time really does FLY!!
Lisa, Happy, Happy Birthday to your gorgeous threesome! How quickly the time goes - 5 years old! I hope everyone has the most fabulous celebration. Give them a hug for me.
Your little one's are so adorable,what a wonderful blessing. Many hugs, Carol Mae
Lisa, the picture of the sonogram scared me for a moment and then I remembered that it was your lil darlings birthday!
You are truly blessed and so are they to have such a wonderful mommie! I know that they are going to creative souls ~ just like mom!
Happy Birthday Blessings
;) Maureen
EEK!!! They are so darned sweet, would love to be a little mouse in the corner watching the three of them celebrating. Sending lots of special birthday wishes to your babies and I know you will have a fabulous day!
Hi Lisa,
Oh how sweet! They are just darling, have a wonderful time celebrating!
I know what you oldest is starting high school this year & my youngest is now 10....:( Where does the time go....? where did my little girls go??? Thank goodness I can still pick up the youngest ~ for a bit longer...
Oh enjoy enjoy those little ones! :)
They are so sweet, love the photos! Hope it was a nice and memorable celebration!
Won't happen honey!!!! Don't blink!!!! But, tell the little buggers Charlene said Happy Birthday & it's OK they'll always be your babies!!!! Heck my "bouncing baby boy" is 6'8" & 430 pounds but, he's still my baby. I MISS YOU! HUGS! Charlene
Three little Darlings.. Aren't they so cute...The time goes by so so FAst.. My son just turned 15...Im now slowly teaching and letting him pull the car into the drive way... His cell phone he got when he graduated 6th grade still has his message (This is Cody's Cell) in his 6th grade baby voice. BOY does it not sound like that now- His voice is totally deep and man like.
I call his phone just to listen to that voice,..
Take Lots &Lots of Pictures of those little gems...
As Always LOVing Your Blog
Oh, as a mom, I know what you're saying, Lisa! Too many years 'way past 5 for me! If I tell you how old my first born is, I'll pretty much give away my age so I'll tell you that the "baby" is 34. And this is one proud mom.
Hugs!! Diane
Hi Lisa,
Happy 5th birthday to your darling sweet children.
The years do go by so quickly.
Have a lovely weekend and I hope that you all have an exciting day.
Happy birthday to the most beautiful triplets in the entire world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't imagine the joy these three sweethearts bring into your life! Well...I kindda can. I know that I loved every day with my children when they were young. And now I enjoy every day with them now that they are grown. What an amazing thing motherhood is!
You know that I think you are Supermom right???? Yes...I KNOW you are Supermom...but, I would still love to see the cape!
Someday I will get to Texas to meet you and you will show me how you create such amazing artwork.
Let me you wear your cape while creating or do you take it off for that?
hugs to you from here...
Happy Birthday to my three Angels!!
Did ya'll save me some cake?
And some ice cream too?
And what about one of those party hats and noise makers?
um hum.
I'm all pouty here 'cause your Mom didn't invite me to the birthday party. But that's okay because if I'd have went, I'd have ate all of the cake and ice cream. I would have even eyed your gifts so maybe it's best I just stayed over here and sent all my love, hugs and kisses to my favorite threesome in the world :))))
Love Auntie Jodie!!!! me and tell me what your wishes were!!! ;)
Tell Mom that I'm lonesome for her too~
You made me cry...
Happy Birthday to your little angels!
I only have them in my dreams now.
but they gift you with little wonderful angels again!
Love you
Happy Belated Birthday to three little beautiful miracles~hope you had a wonderful day!
You are blessed. They bring so much joy. Each stage is precious and then you get to start all over with grandchildren without the total is so fun. Happy Birthday to your precious kids.
What a wonderful post. I enjoyed reading your story. You are truly blessed. Happy belated Birthday wishes to your three little ones.
Have wonderful week!
Wow ..what three wonderful gifts were you given. They are adorable!
Ohhhh Lisa ~
That is so very sweet !
Happy Birthday to your precious
children ~
I cannot imagine the surprise
to see three babies ~
Awww, God blessed you generously didn't he? Hope they had a fabulous birthday!
I'm all signed up for the Wicked, fun, fun!
i remember meeting you on ebay when the kids were two! man! time sure flies by FAST! they could not be any cuter!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lily, Philip and Owen!! Before you know it you will be SIX!!!!
big hugs,
ps: i am the one that made your tooth fairy pillows that your momma bought from me. :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your three ceautiful miracles! My "baby" turn 22 on Wednesday! Don't worry in your minds eye they will stay little.
Lisa, You are doing such a fab job with these three kiddos. Each such a unique and beautiful person. I can't image your... or life without them!
Love GiGi
you've been blessed for sure. what a sweet post.
They are beautiful kids, Lisa. You are so blessed. I lost twins late in pregnancy and I always have a really warm feeling about other's multiples. I have one daughter, my dear Kat, and we have had thirteen other assorted exchange students, exchange teachers, college students, etc. etc. live with us so I feel very blessed to but in a different way.
I am so happy you have your beautiful triplets. I know that having babies isn't always so easy for some of use and I am glad you were blessed!
Sometimes God turns our life's upside down in the most spectacular ways! Sure looks like He did that for you five years ago!!
Happy birthday to Owen, Philip & Lily ~ your sweet little blessings!!
Oh drat! Belated again! Happy Birthday you little whirlwinds and blessings all wrapped in one. Your precious ones are adorable. Do they start kindergarten this year?
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