Welcome to Vintage Inspiration Friday - Book Obsession!
This was the post I was writing last Friday when blogger imploded on me.
I was determined to finish, sorry Debra I'll do home & porch next week.
A week & over 30 pictures later this has morphed into a mammoth post!
So I'll tell you like I do my kids,
Go potty now, because this may take us awhile!
This was the post I was writing last Friday when blogger imploded on me.
I was determined to finish, sorry Debra I'll do home & porch next week.
A week & over 30 pictures later this has morphed into a mammoth post!
So I'll tell you like I do my kids,
Go potty now, because this may take us awhile!
When I started this list I was going to include all subjects of books, art, inspiration, holiday....but quickly I saw that this would have to be the first in a series.
I'm so in love with books.
For me they are the key to a world of beauty & inspiration. I try every now & then to purge my shelves to make room for new. It's a painful process.
Here are some of my very favorites & I hope some of yours!
Eclectic Style - by Connie Duran
Published in 2005
This book snuck up on me, I discovered at 1/2 Price Books one day & it quickly became a favorite.
The author has filled it with beautiful rooms all done in my favorite 'non-color' scheme.
Decorating Cottage Style - Neva Scott
This is actually a newer book, it's from 2007.
It's a very cottagey look all done up in nuetrals. Very pretty to look at.
Carolyn Westbrook's Home, published back in 04 is defiantly at the top of my list.
Carolyn's plantation home in Texas is TDF!
I'm a sucker for bluebird china (I have my own little collection), but it's her amazing ironstone that has me foaming at the mouth.
She has such a talent for building her rooms around a mix of dreamy slipcovers, beautiful wood pieces & awesome collections. 
Celebrating Home - Seasons of Cannon Falls
Editors of Country Living
(published 2005)
I have just about all the Country Living books, but this one is probably my fave! I posted 2 of their Halloween rooms in my last Inspiration Friday post.
The book is divided into seasons & I love to pull it out from time to time for ideas.
They never get old, like these shades made of craft paper, cool huh?
I own the entire collection of Mary Engelbreit decorating books + every single issue of Home Companion.
(see I told you I was obsessed)
But to me, The Artful Life is the best!
Published back in 00, this book is like a collection of the best rooms from MEs mags. The rooms pictured here belong to the Mother/Daughter team Belinda & Jesika Hare. These Texas girls were the visual designers for Carol Bolton's Fredericksburg stores. 
I have most of the Victoria books, but my fave from 2001- Designers in Residence.
Another great book of artist & designers homes, including my hero.........
the Queen of sepia & moss.
Ms Bolton herself.
Look at that stained scrim panel!!!! And that chair..... if your out there Carol, I love you!
The Serene Home by Eileen Paulin is one of my top 5. You may recognize her name from the golden age of Romantic Homes. I saved every copy from her days as editor in chief.
And loved to watch her on HGTV's Country Style & The Christopher Lowell Show.
She has put together the most beautiful collection of homes.
Although written in 2003 this style is still so fresh & new.
Simply classic. I wonder where Eileen is now? Maybe she could be my facebook friend.
Another in my top 5 is Victorian Chic by Anita Louise Crane.
(I guess you can see by the labels where I buy most of my books. I may be a hoarder but I'm also a cheapskate )
Hard to believe this was published in 2002.
It looks like it came right out of my favorite blogs!
If you love gorgeous lace & linens
(& I know you do)
then you will LOVE this book!
Her collection of vintage & antique linens is the best I've seen!
Her style is......
See what I mean?
I couldn't make this list without a shout out to Kathryn Elliot.
Boy I loved me some Junk Chic for awhile.
There was a time I was faux finishing everything I could get my hands on.
You gotta love a girl who hung a coffee table on her ceiling & used it as a pot rack? These pics are from the 2003 follow up
French Country Junk Chic.
My newest (& oldest published in 1998) addition to the library is
Interior Alchemy by Rebecca Purcell.
If you haven't heard of this book let me give you the low down.
This book is a cult classic.
When I first heard of it a few years ago the cost of a new copy was a whopping $400!
Rebecca Purcell is a wildly talented artist & stylist for ABC Carpet & Home & Anthropologie.
I really believe the early Anthropologie catalogs changed the look of retail & decorating in this decade.
I know that's a bold statement, but I remember seeing those catalogs & being so inspired by the seemingly random collections in her vignettes.
I cruised Amazon for ages waiting for the price of a used copy to drop into my budget. Finally last month I splurged & paid $45 for my copy, a former library book!
The dust jacket notes call it an orgy of ideas!
Rebecca describes this as 'anti-decorating' book.
She says it's about displaying a quirky, eclectic mix of collections & expressing your passions.
The forward in her book is titled 'How to Hoosh an interior' !
The origin of the word came from her early days as a window dresser at Macy's. They'd say 'the top of that hutch needs a good hoosh!'
Don't you love that?!
I'm adding hoosh to my vocabulary.
Mossy, moldy, old, dusty & totally awesome!
What a simple & cool way to display a lovely old frame. From the back with a postcard pinned in the middle.
Very Rose Hicks I think.
While making this list I kept asking myself if my library caught fire which book would I save?
My answer changes periodically, but as of this posting my choice would be .....
Vintage Treasures by Jane Cassini & Ann Brownfield, published in 2002.
Every single page,
every picture,
is pure eye candy!
These lace bags are amazing!
Such a perfect combination of vintage elements.
If you don't already own this book, please buy it, if you don't absolutely love it I'll buy it back from you!
Here you go, new on Amazon for only $4.98!
So there you go, my favorite books as of October 2010.
I'm updating the Amazon widget on my sidebar to include this list. If your inspired to add one of my suggestions to your own library I'd love for you to do through my blog. I'm trying to earn money for a new book!!!
I'd love hear what books inspire you!
Thanks Debra for dreaming up this cool party. If you want to get some more vintage inspiration go check out Common Ground.
Good grief - I have to go to Amazon now. LOLOL
I love LOVE Interior Alchemy!!!
Great selection!
;-D robelyn
I think the server for Amazon is surely going to crash now!!!! I have never even heard of some of these, but now I MUST go check them out! I have a whole list of books now to add to my Christmas list! Great post Lisa.. it was worth the wait.
Well, I went potty! and then sat down with a nice hot cup of coffee! and looked through your wonderful post! I love all of the styles and chic and pretty looks displayed within these gorgeous books!
What a treat this was...thanks for taking the time to share like that....Now, if only I had room for some new books! yikes!
ciao bella
Hi Lisa, I'm sorry you had such trouble blogging! Thank you for letting us peak into your favorite books! There is so much inspiration and I just had to add some of them to my wish list.
Have a wonderful weekend :-)!
Yikes Lisa!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much! There are six titles on here that I've never heard of and I'll come back and try to get them through you! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Lisa, I just want to jump thru my computer screen, right into the pages of those Fabulous Books.... Can you just imagine being able to walk into each photo ~ I just ordered Interior Alchemy by Rebecca Purcell off Amazon last week & I am patiently waiting its arrival ~ I'm sure when it arrives, I won't be able to put it down~ Thanks for Sharing, Have a Wonderful Weekend!
Thanks for showing all those wonderful books. I have read/oggled most of the Country Living published books, but hadn't heard of most of the others. Great eye candy!
I have many of the same books, Lisa. But some of these titles are new to me and I can't wait to explore them. Love, love ME - have all her books and like you, ..the artful life is my favorite. Pure gorgeousness.
I guess I'm lucky. I happened to read about Interior Alchemy somewhere last year and encountered it in a friend's shop in San Diego for something like $15. I didn't know copies went for $400!
I love my decorating books and get such inspiration from them
I love all your books and all my books and every other book I have seen on blogs. There is nothing like decorating books to get inspired to clean house or rearrange anyway.
You have more than me.
A lot of awesome books Lisa - I see a few I have on my bookshelf too. Definately have to look for some of the other ones. I Love books too (and magazins - lol)Thanks for sharing.
xo Tina
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing those books! I see some that I will be on the lookout for!! Coming over from Common Ground- nice to meet you! :)
Lisa, dear- dear, oh you do have wonderfull books, on your shelf,and I will go look for some of them, --some of them I already have, and treasure like you.
This is a gorgus inspiration, and I can`t wait to see next post on your favorite books.
Love to you.
Wonderful books! I own several of these, too. It's interesting, because as wonderful as blogs are, with all of their gorgeous visuals, there's nothing like a beautiful book, a nice fall day, and a cup of tea. The laptop is just not the same. I've been saying for some time now that blogs are the new magazines. Especially, since so many have slid by the wayside. But - I do love a great decorating/craft book. Too bad there just aren't as many new ones out there these days. Pity.
Hi Lisa... Great post! Jacqueline at Cabin and Cottage wrote and told me to peak at your great books and boy is she right! Victorin Chic is one of my favorites too, as for the others... I'll have to go on the hunt for a few:-)
Thanks for the inspiration!!
Thanks heaps Lurd, I just ordered a buttload of books from Amazon because of you. :-P
Hi Lisa,
Now I know what I need! I need some "hoosh!"
Gosh, I love your post and all these lovely books to drool over. I could spend hours pouring over the pages!
You are such a doll!
Well, I have Carolyn's book which I really identify with and Celebrating Home is just a wonderful inspirational book, Love them both. I'm going to have to find the other ones. Great post, Lisa, love the inspiration from these talented designers.
And hey, I ran to the potty like you told me to!!
Thanks for linking up, Girl. LOVE YA!
That was loads of fun. I am a huge lover of books and I must rush over to Amazon and get your favorite one. What a deal that is!!! I love the pictures so very much! You are so right. They are all eye candy!
I'm telling you girl...I'm on the same "page" as you! (You know how I feel about ME and CHB!) I have about 3/4 of the same books and then some others I won't part with.
You are so right about Carolyn. She is always one step ahead of the trend...I swan!
You did have a couple I don't so we both know what that means...shopping!
Good taste and style never go out of fashion. It can't be bought...although that's a pity. I would buy it by the gallon!
oh i have many of the same books but see a few more that i need to add to my library! As always..thanks for sharing! Now get your butt over to my blog and enter my first giveaway already!!
I love all books but picture books are the best!! I will look for some of these they look awesome!!
Hugs, Lisa
What a great post and thanks for all of the BOOK inspiration!! Did I mention that you are a BAD influence...must go now...heading over to Amazon. Now!
OH MY!!!!!!!!! No wonder you are ALWAYS so INSPIRED!!!!!!!! Love the photos you shared & roared at the "Go Potty Now"! I didn't see a photo of TOT Do you have one of her outfit/her from the Blog Party? If so would you email it to me so I can check out the bloomers? :) Yep, without ya I took a tumble down the rabitt hole. Enjoyed our chat today. I miss ya. HUGS!
You know what they say about great minds! I have every one of these books except Rebecca Purcell's. If I even think of clearing out my books, I break into a cold sweat. I don't know how many long Winter's they have comforted me, but I have to have them all!
I loved your message you left me. If you ever came over here to visit, you had better believe I would get on the horse and ride into the sunset with you. Did you know I have a terrible alergy to horses, but I just wear gloves or keep the baby wipes handy, And NEVER touch my face while riding.hehe Of course you will have to share the shack with me, but be sure to bring earplugs because Dale says I snore.(I don't believe him)
Love to you Lisa!
What a fabulous list of books. I have several of them, but found several more I must add to my collection! And, like you, I have ALL the ME magazines - moved them 600 miles, paying by the pound, and if I ever move again, will do the same!
I loved your entry on your fav books. I thought I was the only one who collected every issue of certain magazines. I was a charter member of the Victoria magazines and have 10 years worth until they quit publishing. They of course began publishing again in the last couple of years. Anyway thanks for a look into your favorite books!
good Grief! A copy of Interior Alchemy for $45!!!!! I have lusted after that book for quite a while! I enjoy your blog, Lisa.
OH, and by the way... as soon as I read your column, I ordered 2 of the other books you reviewed. It sounds like you should make this a regular column based on the comments on here!
My goodness...great idea to give all your followers these wonderful inside looks into your favorite books. I love some of the "oldie but goodie" books. Going to Amazan asap. thanx for sharing, Tiff
Hey Lisa,
LOVE this post! It is a little weird to log on to a friends blog and see you books on her shelf. Seriously, we have so many of the same books. I really want that Interior Alchemy book, it looks awesome. Thanks for the wonderful and inspiring post.
Hi Lisa!
We are inspired by many of the same books! I have almost all of the ones you mentioned. You make me want to go pull them out and peruse them again. It's been awhile and I think I need to visit with these old friends. It's always so fun to come by and see what sweet, crusty, and vintage ideas you come up with.
You have such a wonderful collection of books!!!
Thank you for sharing.
Fabulous post girlfriend!!! I loved all the books and pics. Now I know how your mind works. I am going to have to start looking for books when I'm out.
I did garage sales this weekend and I DID GOOD!!!
Talk to you soon.
Hugs, Pat
I have several of those books, also. I have gotten some great books in the Tuesday Morning book section. I haven't been there lately to see if they are still getting decorating books but the ones that I got were anywhere from $5.00 to 9.95. Really good prices but it's a hit or miss.
I love every picture that you posted and I've tried to do some things similar but I do have budget limit, boooooooo!!!
Thanks for sharing!
This post is another great reason why I will not buy a kindle...for to be a lover of books is to love many, many, things...
I think this is the LONGEST post you've ever written my little friend.
If I tell you something...you promise to still love me in the morning?
I've never heard of 99% of these people. Only Carolyn Westbrook.
So...do you still love me?
Hey there...
This as Rose would say is a long ass post but I enjoyed every inch. I have most of those books and then some but I never tire of them. Haven't bought any new ones for awhile... maybe a trip to Borders is in store.
Or at least Amazon
Blessings today!
Hi Lisa! I am new to your blog and was looking back at some past posts. On 7-12-10 you were given a cameo by Karla. Did you know this is a replica of one worn in GWTW by Scarlett at Christmas dinner when Ashley was on leave from the war. It could be bought for $.15 & 3 Lux soap wrappers. They can be found on ebay sometimes. I have one and recognized the one in your picture.
This was great eye candy for my soul!!! I think we like most of the same things...this was really fun, and some really wonderful ideas...Happy Fall, mary
I loved your recent article in Sommerset about your daughters ballet bedroom, and so jotted your blog site down.
I just spent an hour uncovering the layers of your sweet and pretty blog.
Fantastic idea of taking snapshots of your fav. books to share. I recently took the blogging plunge and with much in trepidation started my own.
I just may steal your idea of taking snapshots of your favorite books,and post a list of my own, and will most certainly be ordering some of those on amazon come pay day.
Thanks for the inspiration, your site is Art.
Our cup overfloweth,
Lisa, you are quite a saleswoman! After reading this post, I'm going to hustle over to Amazon and do some shoppin'! I will also read more of your blog. It's really wonderful, and I'm glad I discovered it today!
Loved your book post... think I have most of them... but "Interior Alchemy" is by far and away my favorite.. and I
like you have seen it listed at pretty
"dear" prices!
Thanks for an enjoyable "read"!
ohmygosh...I think I have every one of those too! Good grief. Half price books bay-bee! I may even have one that you don't and I just might be willing to give it to ya, since ya did'nt get the mirror! :D
I see this post is from several months ago, but I found your blog when I googled my name..lol. We are the mother daughter combo. I thought you may want to know my mom now has a blog. http://binkylafaye.blogspot.com/
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