Monday, June 6


Things have been so crazy these days.
 I haven't had one minute to sit down & post.
I have been peeking in on you, even if blogger didn't always let me leave my comment. 
 I leave for Paper Cowgirl Thursday, ready or NOT!
I am so excited!
Since I haven't posted I thought I'd give you a quick re-cap on the past 18 days.
Went to Austin to see my beautiful niece graduate from UT.

Had a panic attack realizing I have only 13 years to save tuition for these guys!

Started cutting coupons.

Relieved anxiety with retail therepy,

& fluffed my mantel.

Which hadn't been touched since Dawn did it in November.

Then Owen got his hand caught in the escalator at the mall.

Traumatized the entire family, thankfully he is okay.

Found this card under Philip's bed days later.
Recovered from that experience & made something.

Volunteered for Splash Day, who knew shaving cream could be so much fun?
Didn't have to do 'bath night'.

Cried at the assembly on the last day of school.
Then laughed & danced a 'tooty-tot .  
Said goodbye to my hero's.

 Mrs Clifford......

Mrs McDonald..........
& Mrs Lebreton. 
Until next year........

Went to a garage sale, found cool stuff....

Made something with it.
Learned this awesome technique from my new favorite book Plaster Studio by Stephanie Lee & Judy Wise.
Took a nap.

Decided I needed to get busy with Paper Cowgirl tasks. 
Gathered things for vendor night.

While gathering I realized I hate this bookcase.

Spent wasted 2 days changing it.
Like it more now.
Started re-fluffing the top of this bookcase.

Went to the Indian Princess family camp-out, ate lots of s'mores.

Came home & gathered more to sell at vendor night.

Took kids to karate.

Where they earned yellow belts!
Lost another tooth.
(not in karate)

Started getting kits together for my Paper Cowgirl class.

Made things to sell at vendor night.
Like these inspiration boards,

& this little storage chest.

Liked it so much, made a baby one.

For no reason at all made this little tiny collage.
now you see why I haven't posted!Oh yes & one more thing.
Mr. & Mrs Talking Trash & I are hosting a parking lot sale at the Waxahachie Hampton Inn Saturday morning. 
Festivities are from 8 - 11 AM or until code enforcement closes us down!
 Donuts will be provided, just bring some coffee & cash. 
You don't have to be a Paper Cowgirl to come.
Check out my slide show for a preview!
~ Lisa


Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Lisa!!!
Yeah, glad your back! I'm in need of a nap real bad after reading your post.....I'm tired just thinking about all the things that you have going on in your life.

Those three little darlins are keeping you on your toes. They are
so cute.

Love all your projects you got going on too! I wish I could be at your sale because I see quite a few things I'd grab up in a minute.

Hope you sell lots.


Jessica Rodarte said...

You've been very busy... in a good way! Well, except that escalator incident. Ouch!

Cottage Panache said...

Your niece is very beautiful. Congrats on surviving Kindergarten and glad Philip got to keep his hand!!! (My 23 year old son at four years of age survived when he tried to scale the outside edge of the escalator at the Mall (Mom to the rescue...Lord what would I have done if there were three of him!) I want to come to Paper Cowgirl so bad now after seeing your treasures! Hope you sell lots of stuff for your sweeties (plural) future education.

Gail said...

I'm officially exhausted!!!!!!!!!! My heavens woman, you need a break!

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Oh my goodness you sure have been busy, glad your son is ok after the escalator accident! Love your art and hope you have a wonderful time at Paper Cowgirl!!!
hugs~~~ Daphne

Debra@CommonGround said...

Oh my gosh, I'm pooped out just seeing it all!! Have fun this weekend! xoxo Debra

LaurieAnna's Vintage Home said...

Whew! Girl, you've made me tired just reading about it! Such cute photos of those kiddos and love your completed projects!! Beautiful! Lovely post Lisa!

Cindy said...

Lis....are you gonna be like "Sleeping Beauty" last year...and like sleep through your classes and stuff at PC? LOL. You might.

Hey...your kids are so stinkin CUTE!!!!! Oh my can you stand it? I would just want to sit and stare at em all day...LOL..

LOVE that wee tiny collage...adorable!

OK, can't wait to see you!


Unknown said...

whew..i'm tired just reading it all! you're kids are growing up adorable! enjoy every minute! i've missed you.

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Lisa ~
I LOVE LOVE this post!!! Oh my goodness girlfriend you are a busy gal! Life is so fun!!!
Your kids are so adorable ~ Time goes just way way too fast!


Rhonda said...

I so enjoyed this post, too. That's life, ups and downs and changes and growing and it's crazy but we love it all.

Don't you love it when you find something and just have to make something right away? I love when that happens.

You need a spa day, Lisa.

Betty's corner of the world said...

Hi Lisa ..I can't tell you how much I enjoyed visitng our blog's sooo inspiring..can't wait to try a couple things I saw.. I love the colors you used on your mantel ..or lack of color.. and I love the pix of your family too. :^)
Hugz ..Betty

Unknown said...

Whew!!!! You are one busy gal!

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

OMG Lisa! To say you were busy is an understatement. Did you get one minute of sleep during the last weeks?
Your niece is beautiful and your kids are cute as always. Poor Owen! I'm glad to hear that he is o.k. and didn't get injured worse. Lily looks so sweet in her pretty pink and green dress.
Your creations are fabulous! I love the woven background of the first piece. Your garage sale finds are wonderful, especially the tatted lace is very gorgeous.
The bookcase and chest makeovers turned out just great.
I wish I could come by to your parking lot sale. What a shame that there are so many miles and a huge pond between here and TX.
Have lots of fun at the PC event, sweetie!

Miss Gracie's House said...

LOVE this post! It's a great peek into your very full life...have a great time!

Tina said...

Looks like you have been doing lots of stuff Lisa. Glad you´re back though. Love those yummi laces you found and all your creations too ofcourse. Wishing you lots of fun at Paper Cowgirl. I´m sure it´ll be awesome and can´t wait to hear all about it.
Wishing a wonderful day too

Dorthe said...

Hi sweetie, Lisa- what a wonderful post to wake up to, to see your sweet kids, wonderful creations, and lucky findings, that you already made wonders with- was a great morning greeting from you, dear.I`m happy that the little hand is feeling better now- how cute was the card he made,dear :)
I know you have some hectic dayes now, to finish before driving off- so I wish you a wonderful week- and week-end, take care Lisa-
I`m looking forward hearing about it all .
Big hug-Dorthe

trash talk said...

Didn't realize what a Go-Go girly you actually are 'til I read all this! Are you crazy...karate...three against one?
I have a fear of escalators and you have just added to my anxiety. Glad he's ok!
P.S. And now that you've thrown me under the bus...guess I better get my butt in high gear...kinda like yours!

Lululiz said...

LOL, just a tad busy then............

time worn interiors said...

You are a busy girl! I do miss your post!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! You mean you can save COUPONS to pay tuition! ;-) Nobody ever told US that! LOL! Well, hey, if it works for you!

OMG...shaving cream! Can't beat good, clean fun!

And you disappeared for awhile but you sure made up for it with today's post! Let me catch a breath here!

Things at the McIlvain household look purty durn fun and happy!

Hugs and blessings!
Diane said...

Yes, your niece is gorgeous!!!!!!

and so is the stuff you have packed for PC.

Looks like lots of fun days, I'm really thinking that shave cream day looks the best! maybe that is the kind of birthday celebration we need to throw for Beth.

Emilie said...

Wow, you have been very busy the last 18 days.
But luckily, it seems like you also have had a good time - all in all.

I love all your creations. Both the collages, the bookcase and the storage chests. Always you make so beautiful things!

Greetings from FarfallaDK

Ido said...

Wow! And I thought I was busy! Beautiful creations and I love that bookcase!
Have a wonderful day!

Wanda @ Just Vintage said...

That was such a fun post! I felt like I had all that fun right along with you. When in reality, I've done nothing that comes close to fun or even being that busy. Love your projects. I've been inspired for the day!

Rebecca said...

Lisa GIrl you and I need a vacation... I am settling for a good pedicure this week before I drive home 2100 miles to get ready for Tipton French Market!
Love you Sweetie

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Your kids are just so cute!!
I am exhausted from reading this post ~ I admire busy Mom's like you!!

Jenny Petricek said...

As a teacher and stepmom to an 8-year-old boy who just finished up his school year, I can relate to how crazy-busy May and June can be! I'm looking forward to life slowing down a bit in the summer months. By the way, I sure love the art pieces you squeezed in during the last few weeks...beautiful!

I also had an escalator accident when I was a child! One of those mittens-on-a-string that my mom used to put in the sleeves of my winter coat got caught in an escalator at JC Penney's, and it was highly traumatic; I was too scared to ride an escalator for years after that incident!

Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

Hi Lisa,
what a wonderful post!! Your kids are soo cute and I'm glad that Owen is ok!Love all your new creations. Wishing you a wonderful time at Paper Cowgirls!
Have a great day.

Andrea at Opulent Cottage said...

I CAN NOT WAIT!! Although I'm not staying in 'Hatchie, I'll be sure to get down there extra-early on Saturday for the sale. I sure hope no one beats me to that adorable red thermos! See ya then, xo, Andrea

Little Leslie said...

Gee, I'm exhausted reading your post. I can't even get out of my chair. I guess the scientists are correct; "A body in motion, stays in motion" I gotta get out of this chair.

Anne Lorys said...

Wow, you and your niece look a LOT alike! Pretty girl.

Okay, we are way overdue for a chat, call me when you get back from PC. I miss you!!!


suziqu's thread works said...

With all that going on in your life Lisa I can't believe you even spared the time to post about it. Love your children and Owen's drawing - Oh dear how painful for him!!! Have a great time enjoying what you most love!
Happiness and hugs,


WOW! What an amazing recap. I read and enjoyed it all and your humor. Did your son break his arm in the escalator? That's scary.
Enjoy all these special days with your kids. Mine are now married.
I love, love your redone bookcase.
You got a lot accomplished and spent time with your family.
Have a great weekend!
~ Julie

Ragamuffin Gal said...

I love your life!!

Charlene said...

Cute Post! Your life sounds like mine... But, mine is working with hubby's business, & helping with the GRANDS when the parents are working. Sorry I won't be a PC this year. Saw Debbie at Winnie & Tallulah's when my friend Lulu was here. Good luck with your sale & classes. Let's TRY to get together when you get done. We went on our first RV outing last week & it was a lot of fun. If only I could manage to pull that hummer to Round Top...

The Feathered Nest said...

If this isn't the most wonderful post EVER...I don't know what IS!!!! Woman...I don't even know how you have time to breathe!!!!! You are amazing to me ~ especially now since my guys are so much older and I'm so much lazier! I still can't get over how gorgeous your niece is, please tell I said so too! The babies are growing like little weeds to me...they're getting so tall, don't you think? You'll see in the fall when it's time for them to wear pants :) I hope Paper Cowgirls is going wonderfully and can't wait to see pics and hear about it all!!!! hugs and love, Dawn

kandeland said...

Your children are just adorable! and i'm sure you hear it all the time but, I don't know how you do it!! Your post made me tired just reading it! Love all your art...thanks for sharing all this busy wonderfulness!

Ella said...

I love the expression on your children's faces; so fun! Your niece is a cutie, too~ Whoah...busy! Hope Owen's hand is better; scary~

Have a wonderful time on your adventure on Thursday~ I love all the items you made! Hope it is a fabulous, fun filled event~

Unknown said...

Wow...I am tired just reading your blog! You are a very busy person. I am a new follower and look forward to keeping up with all your stuff!

Vicki Boster said...

~~~ and we all thought you just sat around all day and did nothing!! Amazing- that's what you are!! Your children are so adorable- every picture makes me smile! I'm so glad Owen is Okay!

I truly don't know how you find the time to get even one minute of sleep! You are the energizer bunny! ( and you are so blessed - those babes are precious!)

Erica said...

Looks like another fabulous PG. Sorry I missed it AGAIN.
Where the heck do you find such great stuff at a garage sale? All my peeps in the hood have is baby toys and used clothing.