Wow, talk about a wild weekend! I need a weekend, to rest from my weekend. - You know what I mean?
Friday we worked on getting our vegetables planted. If they make it to harvest it will be a miracle. The kids have already dug them up & re-planted them 5 times.
They also think if you water them every hour they'll grow faster.
Saturday was our neighborhood garage sale. Instead of participating, as I should have, I continued to help the economy! On garage sale mornings, the kids get a couple of dollars from their piggy banks, we pick up Dunkin Donuts for nourishment (aren't I a good Mom?) & hit the road. My kiddo's love finding treasures of their own. Our rule is, if you bring something home, then you have to donate an old toy to Goodwill. Now that I think about it, we've probably bought back our own toys! Full circle right? Here's a peak at my haul.
I love these stitched dish towels, the birds are so cute.
Lot's of little jewels.
The rhinestone safety pin was .50!
Old French school notebooks, they contain tons of maps & pictures.
And the linens & lace! I'm so dang happy people don't appreciate these things.
They were practically giving it away.
The last house we hit was grunge paradise! Rust everywhere. I love the way the residue from the vanilla stained that bottle. Very cool.
I told you there were some rusty treats! Look at that crazy sprinkler on the left. Great base for an assemblage. I bought a bunch of mason jars & covered jam jars. Someone told me they are actually snuff jars?! Whatever they are, I cannot get the lids off. Age & rust have seared them together.
I jumped all over these Army accessories. I love the olive drab color, & the wool on the gloves is wonderful. Wish I could find a sweater like that. Don't you love the number on the canvas bag? I will so be using that in some sort of collage. There was also a little shoulder bag to hold a canteen, my son confiscated it to play GI Joe. I found a very cool puppet show/lemonade stand for the kids at one house. They spent the rest of the weekend making funky, ghoulish Kool-aid & pawning it off on everyone in sight. I wish I'd taken pictures.
My greatest task this weekend was getting my new blogshop open!
You've heard the quote 'it takes a village' right?! Well I have 2 super stars working on my blog. Our sweet Karen, & Michelle at Shabby Creations. Michelle is the whiz who designed my beautiful header last year, she also created my blog shop. Karen is working so hard 'foofing' up blogland, but took time to help a poor friend. She talked me through the process of setting up shop, & what she couldn't explain over the phone, she just did. 
Dawn talked me down off the ledge a couple of times, & Rose kept me laughing through it all. Rebecca & I shared our shop trials & triumphs via email. BTW, Rebecca's new shop is ready too!
I'm pretty proud of myself & grateful to my friends for helping me to accomplish one of my goals.
These pictures are from 'the shoppe'.
So now you know what I meant about needing another weekend! Hope your's was great too!

I can't wait to see your new shop, with that team helping you, it's going to be BY FAR the best lookin' one out there!
Exciting stuff!
oooo, you did good, to many gorgeous treasures...I remember my kids doing that, poor plants barely survived.
You had quite a haul this weekend!!!!I love the rhinestone pin, and of course all that lace! I can't wait to see what you create from those bottles either! I'm putting all the ads up today, so be prepared for lots of visitors. Do you have a counter on your blog shoppe? You might want to think about putting one on there just to see how many visitors you are getting!
Great finds and love the rusty sprinkler! Love how the kids kept replanting the cute. Congrats on the new store. I got my Etsy up this weekend and I'm 'hopeful' it will do well. Takes lots of friends to keep us off that ledge!
Wow - what a weekend, Lisa!!! Great pics of the kids gardening, & I love the garage-sale finds. Congrats on opening your shop (the link in this post didn't work, so I scrolled up and clicked on the link @ the top of your blog). I'm checking it out next...
WOW!!! I love everything you found on your little shopping spree. The rusty bits, the sparkly pin, well it is all yummy! The kids look so sweet planting away. I hope your garden is over~flowing with goodies. I just went and checked out your shop, it is amazing!!! Congratulations.
We had a busy weekend doing yardwork too but we didn't have your "helpers" so it probably went a lot less stressful for us. LOL Wish I had taken the time to hit a few garage sales though. :o( I hit a few Friday morn but not many were open because of the early morning rain.
Your new shoppe looks great! You go girl!!! Good luck w/ it exciting!!!!
Hi Lisa,
You made a great garage sale haul! I am always so amazed people don't adore crochet and lace too! You found some great pieces! We had rain and not a good garage sale to be found... and I tried hard!
Oh yeah... doughnuts are the garage sale food of choice.. if I can get away with it:-)
Well, girlfriend, you're the Queen of Rust today! Great stuff! No rest for the weary! ;-)
Hey Lisa
It looks so gooood!
As you can see I loved it all!
I need shop policy... I forgot mine.
Thanks for the shout out and I will do the same for you.
Have a great day!
You would flip over what my husband has. He has his dad's army trunk. Army green with his
numbers on it. I wish I could use it in the house but he keeps tools in it!
Oh - you got some great finds Lisa, and you new shop looks wonderful - no wonder you need another weekend.
Oh yeh, it's kinda like needing a vacation after being on vacation! Congrats on the new shop. Your energy is amazing! Love your new treasures. ~ Angela
Lisa amor, You need a vacation now lol Lordy and to think I spent the weekend relaxing and feeling sorry for myself...I shoulda come and visited you and joined you in the yardsales and planting fun and oh my stars!!! I am in LOVE with everything in your Shoppe...I mean I am seriously CRUSHING on your Inspiration Kits! and ugh...I just want it all...gimmme, gimme, gimme, mine, mine, mine lol do I remind you of your lil ones??? I tend to regress when I want something and want it NOW!!! You found such amazing things at those yardsales!! I wanna come play in your studio...awww heck, I wanna come shop and just sit & stare at all those pretties in your studio and house :) I am glad you guys were out and about and I envy your creative spirit not just because of the beautiful art that you create but because of the great ideas that you come up with of fun things to do with your lil ones! Your an awsome mom...wanna adopt me? lol Have a great week amor and relax when you can! Besos, Rose
ps....And no.....I didn't do a word do it for me...cause ya know....Your Not The Boss Of Me :) just thought I would remind you ms. bossy pants :) btw thanks alot...everytime I see something that needs to be my studio..I hear your voice saying "Just git her done, Rose!" :)
Silly stops are for babies and old ladies! Good luck with the new shop...with finds like these, you can't help but be a huge success!
Do you get some sleep sometime, girl? You are amazing! I have no idea how you manage all that. Your new shop looks beautiful! You, Karen and Michelle have done a great job!
Cool finds at the garage sales. Of course I love the laces and the number on the canvas bag and the jars are great too.
I hope your veggie plants make it to the harvest :-).
Have a wonderful afternoon, Lisa!
Big hugs,
Hello new shopowner,
What wonderfull finds, I could use them all too, love the canvas bag, and the rusty thing, together with all the lace, Lisa.
AND I LOVE YOUR NEW SHOP,it is a wonderfull place, congratulations with selling your beautifull collage already, dear.
Love your small ones planting ,too, They still don`t know ,one can love someone/thing to deaf...
I hope they will survive, ---
Hugs, Dorthe
Laugh ,laugh again, dear sweet friend.....
I know...newer heard of anyone who would die from deathness,----I ment--- death!!!!!!!
kisses , Dorthe
You should hear me ooohing and ahhing here. Now this is what I call a good garage sale day. I love those French notebooks, and the rust!! You'll have to keep us updated on your garden :)
Just love looking at all the good stuff people find at garage sales!! You made a haul!!
Hi Lisa!
Your children are so precious. They really love playin in the dirt, such good little gardeners.
I am so jealous over all the vintage linens and laces that you found. All your stuff is great and I can't wait to see what you create.
Congratulations on your new shop too. Can't wait to see it.
So enjoyed visiting yoru blog. I see you had a successful trip to Goodwill, one of my favoarite haunts. Sea Witch
Go girl, you done GOOD!!!
You got some great finds and engaged in child slave labor by making them plant their own food! haha just kidding~
So tell me now failed to mention what YOU have to donate to Goodwill when YOU buy something new...hmmmmm...something doesn't seem right, huh kiddos??? hahaha
I wish you the best with your new blog shop. I went to peek but nothing is there yet. Unless I'm too stupid to click on what I'm supposed to, I'm sure you stocked it already right??? geez...I guess I'm still jet lagged.
Going get some more rest...I'll be back again soon~
Love ya!!!!
I thought my weekend was busy. Great finds at the garage sales. So many good things you can use in your wonderful art.Just checked out your shop. It's perfect!
Love U,
You did good girl. I love all the lacy goodies and the bling!! Also checked out your shoppe and it is great. I'm remaking my studio and then I'm going to get Karen to do my shop over. My daughter is coming tomorrow so I'm very happy. Talk to you soon.
Hugs, Pat
Lisa I cannot wait to go over and see your shop!!! I know it will be great.
And speaking of great...your yard sale finds are a lot better than mine! I really struck out this weekend.
I love the pictures of your little ones in the garden beds. What a great mom you are! Remember you can always sneak out and plant new veggies at night when they are sleeping. LOL
I missed a couple of your awesome posts Lisa, and I have to go back and catch up. I have to see what else you've been up to while I was being a really bad blogger.
Lisa~ Congratulations on your new shoppe! I know it'll do great! Wonderful finds in the neighborhood sale~ just love the old French notebooks!
Look at those lil' babes!!!! Loving that dirt and gardening! They are so precious...and growing like weeds themselves! I'm so happy for you getting your shop open girl, your taste is incredible and I just KNOW it will be a huge success!!!!! hugs and love sweet friend, Dawn
ps (love your found treasures!!!)
How does everyone else but me find all these wonderful yard sales? I mean, GIRL! You SCORED! My friend Joy would for sure be texting me "Start the CAR!" Love it all.
Good for you for accomplishing your goal of your Shoppe. Your work is so gorgeous - can't wait to see all the wonderful things.
Thanks for sharing . . . Have a great day!
Wow, wish I could find garage sales like that around here! And yes, those are snuff jars. My grandmother used them for jelly, she would seal it with paraffin, then put the metal tops back on. Naval jelly might get the rust off and let them loose. We also used the snuff jars to drink out of when there was no jelly in them.
Love your stuff!
OMG what treasures!!! You have the best sellers in your neighborhood. I want to move in.
Lisa, what a great weekend...too cute about your kiddies moving the plants around and watering them no end...i love that...what a great haul from the garage word, you found so many great things...AND the kiddies went with you...THAT would have taken a miracle at my house...did you say blog shop? i have to go back and see if you posted a link...congrats on that!!! i wish you well!!!
Lisa, the shop is gorgeous!!! i couldn't help myself...i had to have those sweet little baby shoes:)
Lisa, I am in awe of your shoppe! So gorgeous like your blog. I love the idea of having an independent shop, not depending on the other resources. I want to do it too really soon. You're my latest inspiration!
Lisa ~ Congrats on your blog shop !! That is soooo cool and it looks wonderful !
You go girl !
oh. what memories you are making...they are so so cute! And enjoy the Saturday donut junkin' mornings while you can...won't be long and it will be *torture* for them to go:)
going on to check out your blog shoppe is it going you think it will be better than Etsy?
THANK YOU so much for your continued support and're so sweet:)
Happy to find you! What great yard sales finds you've acquired! I'm grabbing your button to post on my blog, if you don't mind, ;). Gorgeous kits you've put together ~~ I hope to order one soon. Love the sepia kit! And the french books from this past weekend's finds are to-die-for!!! Sending happy smiles your way, and best wishes on your shop ~~ Jeanne
Your shop looks great! best of luck with it.
Congrats on the new shop!!! I linked to it and to your blog in my post today. Can't wait to see all the goodies you will put in there!
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