Okay, it's not that Rose. That's a whole other post! LOL
I was on the phone with my girl the other night... for hours we flipped through our respective magazine stashes until we found the the story
we were searching for.

There she is, the one & only Rose Hicks, Queen of cream. Surrounded by her mega talented daughters. These pictures were borrowed from ME Home Companion October/November 1998. Rose's beautiful style is as relevant today as it was 13 years ago.
Her kitchen was the first I saw open shelving in. What a concept, huh? And look at that altered chandy on the left, with the little salt & pepper shakers on it. I'll never tire of her creamy white palette.

Yes, too bad the idea of using book pages as wallpaper didn't work out! LOL
Oh, those plates! I love it when they are really old & have that stained crackle running through them. I saw her little round coffee table surrounded by child size chairs, & spent years finding my own.
we were searching for.

There she is, the one & only Rose Hicks, Queen of cream. Surrounded by her mega talented daughters. These pictures were borrowed from ME Home Companion October/November 1998. Rose's beautiful style is as relevant today as it was 13 years ago.
Her kitchen was the first I saw open shelving in. What a concept, huh? And look at that altered chandy on the left, with the little salt & pepper shakers on it. I'll never tire of her creamy white palette.
Yes, too bad the idea of using book pages as wallpaper didn't work out! LOL
Oh, those plates! I love it when they are really old & have that stained crackle running through them. I saw her little round coffee table surrounded by child size chairs, & spent years finding my own.
Love, Love, LOVE it! Plates displayed backward, so clever!
I fooled with these 2 pictures forever, trying to get them side by side - sorry. Look at that sweetie with her little tea cup.How about the layered up frames!
I just love her simple assemblage. I'll be she didn't give it more than a second thought, just bent that wire over the top & plopped it over the frame.
Oh, that pillow on the couch! Such an example of how much we are influenced by others. I see so many pillows now, but each one different, reflections of the artist making them.
Don't you just want to jump into that cozy bed! The teeny frames hanging above the bed look so casual, like an afterthought. But the contrast in size & placement are so unexpected!
Years ago, before kids, Kevin took me on a little overnight trip to Fredericksburg. After a nice lunch & a couple of good German beers, my reluctant husband agreed to drive me around town to stalk search for the Bolton homes. After some detective work at Homestead, & leads from various magazine articles I set out on my mission. I found Sister Janet's house first, but to my horror they were all in the driveway talking to neighbors. I ducked down under the dash so they wouldn't see me. Oh, I was so embarrassed, not enough to keep me from seeking out Carol's farmhouse. We parked pretty far back to avoid discovery again! Kevin took pictures of me pointing at the house. GOOBER:) for sure. Those were the days before digital camera's, I've searched high & low for those pics. The last house on my list was Miss Rose, & you know we drove all over town. Up & down streets until the sun set, sadly my sweet Rose eluded me. So she reamins an enigma & a muse.
My thanks to Kathleen, our White Wednesday Hostess. Check out her blog for some serious inspiration & a list of other great blogs!

goodness lisa...all you had to do was email me and i would have had my hands on that issue in a second!!!! I absolutely LOVED that story and rose too! she was really well ahead of her time wasn't she? her daughters homes are lovely as well. what an inspiration! Thanks for sharing it and reminidng me of her and her gorgeous... etheral home. i will pull that issue out today for more inspiration!
I've never seen these pics before - or heard of Rose Hicks. Unbelievable! Now I will be looking for anything&everything she has done!
Happy WW!
Hi Lisa,
I remember this article very well. It was one of my favorites and I still have the magazine.
Isn't she amazing. I'm so glad that you did this post because now I am going to get out that issue and savor the pages.
She is something when it comes to decorating white and shabby.
Lisa ,it is sooo lovely, and all like we wants it to be today,too--
I`m just looking throug my stash of Victoria magazines, they are from late 1900 and forward,-but the same style like here, in many of them,-I love it sweet, thanks for showing.
Love and hugs, Dorthe
I remember that Rose was featured on the HGTV Country Style show when HGTV actually had good shows! Now it is all how to sell your house! Anyway, I think of that show often and the revelation of beautiful all white/cream rooms! I became a believer right then and there! Sure wish I had that segment taped or at least that magazine to drool over!
What a wonderful post!
I immediately recognized Carol Hicks Bolton on the left in the first pic.
I've been lucky enough to live just down the road a ways from Fredericksburg, and the timeless Bolton style has influenced my own design aesthetic for years.
Thanks for posting this! It always amazes me how many people who have clearly been influenced by the Boltons have never heard of them. I think the Boltons should be every bit as acclaimed as Rachel Ashwell!
I remember this article as if it were yesterday. It is totally burned into my brain. She really was a pioneer wasn't she? Thanks for the walk down memory lane.
i actually have some of these pics from a mary engelbreit mag hanging up on a inspiration board in my craft room. from like 3 years ago.
I too LOVED the childs table and did my own in my house.
She has wonderful taste! love her!
Hi Lisa, That could be in a magazine of today as well. Very pretty how Rose decorated her home. The book cover underneath the tea cup looked familar to me and when I enlarged the picture I saw that I have the same French book. Amazing!
Have a great afternoon!
Big hugs,
PS: still waiting ...
Oh , dang I wish I had my own copy of this...this is so much where I am going...LOVE it! The table with the tiny chairs is priceless....I think every (this) grandma *needs* one!
THANKS for sharing!
Hi Lisa,
Such inspiring pictures..thanks for sharing them!
Happy day!
I have this article & it is one of my all-time favories! It's amazing to me that this article is over 10 years old & yet everything is so fresh & undated. I wish I could see what her house looks like now, don't you? My house has changed so much in 10 years...wonder if her's as as well.
I've thought of trying to hunt down their homes on a trip to Fredericksburg too. Wouldn't it be fun for all of us do do a road trip. We'd have partners in crime! LOL
Amazing post, gorgeous pics, great story. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful, lovely, dreamy images! Thanks so much for sharing.
Oh yeah, we've got to be secret sisters. I loved Rose's house from ME Home Companion. It was one of my favorite decorating feature in any magazine ever. I loved the whiteness and the creaminess and the....you know what I mean. I've gone back to that issue so many times, and I still remember her being quoted as saying something like "its easy to shop for white, it stands out"- and I loved the little snippet of a Bible quote on her cabinet.
I'm going to rummage through my old ME, find that issue so I can look it before I go to be and have sweet dreams.
PS- Laughed thinking about you stalking the Boltons!
My copies of this are tattered and torn and I agree that this family influenced so many of us and are virtually unknown, Hopefully your post will educate so m any unaware of how we all became like this!
Great and thoughtful post. Kudos to you!
love the image of you scrunched down hiding in the car....just hilarious.
Hi Lisa,
I totally remember that magazine! I was in awe of her too ~ I just couldn't believe this sweet little lady had so much style (for her generation- ya' know!?) She just seemed so far ahead of the curve at that time! Love her house & her style!
I remember oohing and aahing over those pictures and I have them buried somewhere also, in my stash of clippings. She was cutting edge wasn't she?!!
This is wonderful! I've not seen this article, what a timeless trendsetter. A matriarch of such a talented family. Thank you for showing these wonderful photos! Yes, I see you and June are two great minds thinking alike. I have one that I need to paint also, love seeing what you did!
I haven't forgotten your package, hopefullly in the mail by the first of the week!
So you know that I worship the ground Rose walked on?! My friend and I swear that we are going to find Carol someday and invite ourselves in. I have loved her decorating style and Rose's ever since HGTV did a show on Rose's house.
I love your coffee table and I LOVE mine, now that it has been cut down. You are my new hero for posting this you know!!! Well actually you were my hero before, I just wanted to sound dramatic. Now I have to go read all your comments on this post to see how many people have heard of the Boltons. I couldn't believe how many hadn't when I mentioned in a post that I loved her style.
Lisa amor, I LOVED this article and have it stashed somewhere too, I can't believe that it has been that many years already...but her style is timeless! I still love it, she is actually why I loved the cream and shabby style, not RA of shabby chic, but I must say...I am CRUSHED I tell you that this post wasn't about me! :)But it did prove something that I already believed about you....you ARE a stalker muahahaha lol and to think you have my addy....when you come, you don't have to hide, just come on and ring the doorbell, I will make us some yummies to eat and some margaritas :) Besos, Rose
ps...how was the graduation and your amors Bday? Inqiring minds want to know :)
How great! I so miss ME Home Companion!! I think I have most all of the issues! The one magazine I had from beginning to end:(
Great post!
Happy Wednesday!
Hugs, Lisa
I absolutely remember that article! My MEHC stash will never be tossed! That whole family is so creative and talented. But Miss Rose, what an amazing style and what a trend-setter. That whole creamy white style has really taken off since this article.
i have to go see if i have that issue...*5 minutes later*...CRAP!!! i don't...what a bummer...that is one gorgeous home...thanks for sharing Lisa!!! i am starring your post in reader, so i can refer to it in the future...
Believe me when I say you are not the Lone Goober! I have been a fan after seeing Queen Carol's farmhouse in MEHC. (Not to sound too goofy, but I dream of meeting her!) I have every issue ever printed on all of them...both MEHC and Victoria. Remember when Carol was one of their contributing editors. She is my muse and I love the Hill Country Style that they all do so well...heck, they created it! The rest of us are just following behind!
Great white post...perfect!
P.S. BTW, do you have the issue that featured her stylist? That was a dandy too!
P.P.S. Anyone who has not heard of this talented family is not from Texas!
Oh Lisa, I still have all my old ME magazines so I'll have to pull this one out. I just didn't realize this lovely style goes back that many years. I miss ME's magazine. Oh dear, I digress. Thank you for showing us that it's never too late to try new things! I never made it to Fredricksburg in all my trips to Texas. Sure wish I had!
Wow Lisa ~
Okay so I admit I am not a Texan and I have not ever heard of them ~ But.... now I have and I love Rose's style ~ just gorgeous gorgeous !!
Thank you for sharing ~
Oh, I love her style too and I'm in the very sloooow process of trying to redecorate my home in a very neutral color scheme! I have GOT to find that magazine!! LOL!
She is truly a trendsetter. I think we all think differently because of her. Mimi
Oh sweet Lisa! I love this post. It has been years since I tore the pages from the mag that featured Rose's house. It was love at first sight. And like you said so effortless. I have copied her style more than once. What talent! I bought a fab wire aviary from Tim Bolton a couple of shows ago next door to Marburger that I treasure. I saw Carol heading across the grounds but I would never approach her... To timid. Thanks for this. What a treat.
I'm lovin' it all!!
barbara jean
Great post, Lisa~ I loved seeing it all...and I am smiling imagining you hiding down in the seat...LOL!
I have these pages in my inspiration notebook too. And I also did the pilgrimage to Homestead in Fredricksburg. MIND BLOW! Great Post.
Oh wow, I loved this article so good, and haven't seen it for years....so glad you shared the pics today! I doubt that I still have this magazine, so I'm going to copy your pics and make a folder right now! It's quite possible that this article influenced my ongoing love affair with 'white'. I also never connected Rose with Carol Bolton...now it all makes perfect sense. I visited Fredericksburg many years ago and just loved Carol's shops. What a treat!
Hi Lisa, I saw Dawn's post and then came to visit you and now I am in dreamy, creamy heaven! So why is it I am surrounded by so much color in my home? I'm still trying to find my way blogwise, lifewise, and otherwise. HA! I need one of those catchup from the weekend kinda days as last week was the Little League Tournament in Dubai and I've yet to catch up on housework or sleep which is holding me back from so many other things. I love all the lovely little treasures you found during the neighborhood sale. Where does all the French ephemera come from? And the lace and other goodies. Lots of fun stuff! I laughed out loud about the vege garden. Kids are so funny. Wishing you a most wonderful day. Much success with your blog shop -- I know it is absolutely fabulous and folks will be flocking! Best wishes always, Tammy
Ohmygoodness girl, these pages are just as gorgeous now as they were over ten years ago!!!!! Isn't that amazing??? I hope these girls realize how much we all love them! I just love how Rose has the chubby salt and pepper shakers turned around too so you can see there fannies! My Hicks/Bolton/Proch post is up too, hugs and love, Dawn
Hi Lisa
You crack me up... not that I didn't take a trip to Fredricksburg... the only other time I have been in Tx.
I have all those articles also! They are full of drool!
Thanks for the recap...
Have a wonderful day!
Ha ha you are so funny...although that would be me too!!! I love her style and yes so many women like her are ahead of their time......gorgeous decorating and so many pretty little scenes in each photo!!!
Margaret B
LOVED the Boltons and all that they did (the little garden shop in that wee alley way was always my fave!). They were so ahead of their time. Great post and now I feel the need to go dig out all my old MEHC's! :D
yapping cat
Her home really is beautiful!
See the "N" books in the picture with the book page-wallpapered hutch? A few years ago, I bought two books identical to those from Homestead in Fredericksburg. Out of all the old books I own, those two are in my top favorites.
Lisa, I actually have these same photos in my inspiration book! They remain some of my favorites, and always serve as an inspiration. Thanks for all YOU inspire! Pati
Me too me too! I have always loved her style. I remember when she was on HGTV and they featured her and her little cottage. She was so soft spoken and gracious.
What a neat post. My mags are still packed away. Now I'll have do some digging. These images are stored in the files of my mind.
Thanks for remembering....
I remember this article, wow, 13 years ago, timeless indeed! Wonder if I have any tear sheets, no room to save magazines. Too funny that you stalked them in Fredricksburg!
Lisa, I remember this one! What a terrific style! ~ Angela
I loved this post and learned alot!! Amazing Rose...
Be still my heart!!! I so loved the shops they had in Fredericksburg. Higgdly Piggdly!!!! What a name... I loved it! Poor hubby just couldn't go it! The chandi's with the old silverware threw him for a LOOP! Hee Hee Now they are down to just Homstead there. :( That one photo with the salt shakers just made me quake with joy! Thanks for sharing. I guess I better go dig out that magazine & relive the wonder myself. I miss you!!!! HUGS! Charlene
I remember this article, I loved it and I will be back to look closer when I have more time. Thank you for sharing.
Fantastic post. Just beautiful. I wonder if there is a book about them. There should be. In your photo's there were two framed of a boy and of a girl. My mother had thse two and for the life of me I cannot remember their names. IF you can read the names I would love to know as I have them now. Thanks Sharon
PS I can just see you ducking down. I think we are a lot alike. LOL
Loved this post! I remember Rose's house from HGTV years ago and still love it just as much!
Alrighty then Lisa Marie...
Am I the only goof that DOESN'T know who Rose is???
I'm such a sheep...I have so much to learn...Teach me Lisa...please?
That table with the kdis chairs is just delightful! Blessings... Polly
Dear cute Lisa!
It's Janet Proch here. What a fun blog and thank you for your precious and endearing post. I wanted to give you an update on little Rose. She just turned 90 and I just called and read her your whole article. She is tickled pink. And guess where she lives!! Right across the street from the Proches on Cora....You should have stopped when we were in the driveway, you silly. Just wanted to write and tell you what a delight you are!!!
Janet Proch
Your blog was just forwarded to me from Janet Hicks Proch (sister of Carol & Cathy, daughter of Rose). So fun to read. I haven't read every blog since you posted this, but did you eventually find out that Rose lives (lived, before they moved) right across the street from Janet? You would never know that the "cabinish" house across the street was all creaminess on the inside. :)
Heather Gauthier
I just had to come back and revisit this post, as I am getting ready to photograph Rose's beautiful house again soon. What an honor for ME!
Oh Lurd, you HAVE to head down here and meet these amazing gals...Rose, Janet, Carol ( I haven't met Cathy yet ) are every bit as sweet as they are talented!
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