Another wonderful holiday has come & gone.
All our dreams & wishes came true, we even got our 'white Christmas'.
So I'm sharing my favorite memories, gifts & pictures.
Lots of pictures.
You may recognize this gorgeous star from Rebecca, it's made more than one Christmas home tour.
My beautiful sister Molly, hugging Owen after receiving her #1 Grandpa notepad.
My wonderful Christmas angel made for me by Dorthe, she's been with me for several years now.
This ornament from Carola hangs in my studio when the tree comes down.
Handmade gifts for teachers, I finally got to use this tutorial from Cathe!
And I also made a few of these this year.
Another amazing gift from Rebecca!
She used some of my felted wool to make it.
I have some in my etsy shop.
The kids made gifts too.
There's nothing better than a child's face on Christmas morning,
or a Great Grandmothers on Christmas Eve.
Trying out all those presents.
As Buddy says,
' We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup'.
One of my favorite gifts of all time,
my top hat from Carola!
Poor Izzy says,
'Are we done yet?'
I hope all your dreams came true too.
May all the sadness, grief and tragedy be left in 2012, leaving only happiness & joy in this coming year.
Thank you sweet friends for not giving up on me while I was on my sabbatical.

Wonderful photos and lots of great memories! I'm ready for a better 2013~
hugs, Linda
I enjoyed all of the photos! Happy New Year!
Adorable children. Pretty sights. Everything looks like fun and sweetness!
Welcome back!
Happy New Year Lisa!! Your Christmas post looks wonderful...all that candy, yum! and your children are growing up so fast.
Here's to 2013!!
Lisa, your photos, your home, your family, you...all precious. I could write something silly or funny, but seeing these makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...not goofy. So I'll just say I pray your wishes come true for 2013 and I am so proud you are my friend. Love you to the moon and back...and every stop in between.
Ha ha ha I love that saying of Buddy :)
I was here yesterday already but then got a phone call and had no time to come back again until now.
I'm so glad for you guys that you had snow this Christmas! Here it was rather warm and we got lots of rain.
Love to see that you used the domed pendant I made for you in your tree and how much you cherish the top hat ;) Yes I saw that the one Owen? wore wasn't this one, but it still looks cool! Did you see all the new year's vignettes I did with my old top hats this time? I did a blog post about it justyesterday.
Sending you and your family all my best wishes for a very happy new year 2013
xoxo~ Carola
P.S.: Of course we did'nt give up on you, what bad friends would we be. I know that there often are more important things to do than blogging, especially with triplets in the house!
Dear Lisa,
First thankyou for a wonderful year with you, learning to know you more,-- and more of your every day life!Thankyou also for your dear friendship sweet Lisa.
I am so happy that you still have my angel ,and love her.
Rebecca`s heart and pillow are stunning gifts, and The kids looks so wonderful in trying all their gifts out, in and-out door`s.
Mathilde also got a microphone thingy ,that she loves! Looks like you had a happy christmas with your family :-)
We had too!
All the best for the coming year for you and your family,- Love you-
I thoroughly enjoyed looking at your wonderful Christmas photographs, thank you for sharing this beautiful occasion with us. Have a great 2013!
What a wonderful post sweet friend!!!! I just love seeing all of your Christmas memories...your precious family and wonderful treasures. I pray this new year is going to be an amazingly WONDERFUL year for us all!!! Love you much dear Lisa, Dawn
Looks like a wonderful Christmas! Your treasures are always so beautiful! Your display's divine! Let's make a point of getting together in January. I MISS YOU! Happy New Year! HUGS!
So many lovely gifts to see around your beautifully decorated home for Christmas and nothing like seeing the joy on the faces of the kids opening up their presents from Santa.
Thanks for sharing all with us!
Thanks also for your kind visits and wish you a joyous heart and a peaceful mind inspiring your new creations in the New Year.
x Suzy
Oh girl, you are on a roll with the blogposts- making up for lost time. Just keep on going- show us what you're creating, how you're decorating and make those kids pose, pose, pose!
What fun. Your family always looks full of joy! Happy new year!
Hey Sweetie
Your family is lovely and your home reflects the love that shines there.
Sorry I haven't been around...
I have been painting and getting ready for Vegas.
Thank you for your sweet self
Love to you
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