Wow, 2 posts in 2 weeks!
I feel like I'm getting back in the swing.
Last week I drove by myself,
in the rain,
on a Friday night
to the red.neck Chic trunk show.
Hosted by the one and only Debbie York.
Did I mention it was dark & I was by myself?
That's how much I love these girls, I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Robelyn is so awesome. And so are her bags, each one sewn perfectly by hand.
And she's not just a bag lady. She makes candles, pillows, cards, slippers, jewelry & adorable one of kind shirts.
Last year I asked her to make me a purse from an antique velvet pillow cover. I've held onto it for years, just waiting for the perfect project to use it on. After seeing her tent in Warrenton I knew what to do with it.
I mailed it to her & this is what she made.
I mailed it to her & this is what she made.
I think she should call it the Lisa Bag, what do you think?
I've never been to Debbie & Cat Daddy's before.
Even tho it's in the middle of nowhere it only took an hour.
I got to dig in all thier sheds and barn!
Ohmygoodness there was some amazing stuff.
I think I'm gonna have to keep track of the Warrenton schedule & do some 'house-sitting' for those 11 days....
See that street lamp? It will soon be a pendant light hanging over my kitchen table.
Where the magic happens.
So much good junk, so little time.
I think this enormous birdcage would be a perfect place for time-outs.
Are you ready to see the inside?
I knew Deb's house would be amazing, she has such a knack for display.
She used my favorite Waverly patterns throughout.
No dollar store gifts under this tree!
There was no over head lighting, just low wattage lamps everywhere.
Very cozy & romantic but hard to get pictures that do justice to it all.
There were so many clever vignettes, like this candle filled aquarium,
and these framed springs.
I love their bed!
Bright red walls and a enormous white iron bed frame.
And my favorite bedding of all time.
Carolyn Westbrook from a few years back.
Remember the 1st book, Carolyn Westbrook Home?
Page 139.
Deb's the only person I know who has price tags on Everything, not kidding.
And not because she forgot to take them off.....
but because every things for sale!
So I left with a new purse, some great stuff for my house
and Christmas gifts too.
I didn't even mind the drive home alone.

I had so much fun and it was nice meeting you. I went home with a large bag myself filled to the brim. I hear ya about riding out there by yourself. I drove in from Euless and it took me a while. Lets ride together next time.
wish I could of came now seeing these pics made me wish I went!! UGH... maybe next year! Merry Christmas!
Hi Lisa girl!
Oh how I've missed you. I'm so glad to see you are back and sharing so much fun. How wonderful to get to go to Deb's. She is such a doll and funny too!
I would love to have gone along with you on such a fun trip. Lots of good stuff in her home.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Oh so much cool stuff to see and buy and now I can't wait to see what you came home with!
Christmas Blessings again!
WOW!!!! What a wonderland Lisa!!!! I love Deb so much and wish so bad I could have been with you so you wouldn't have had to make that drive by yourself...The toile makes me soon...your purse is gorgeous...I'm in love with that bed spring's all AMAZING!!! Thanks so much for taking the pics to share with us sweet friend ~ love you much, Dawn
I laughed at your bird house comment.
Every Mother would appreciate that.
I too loved the spring idea. Really neat.
What fun you had! Debbie is so talented! I love her house? Did you get the light fixture? So loved it! Wishing you a Merry Christmas! Hugs! Charlene
Two posts in a week..what a treat! I hope your not just teasing, and are going to go underground for another six months. Your posts are always make me smile. Love debbie's house, and Robelyn's so creative. What a great purse.
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, sweet Lisa! I hope all of you have a wonderful day and enjoy the holidays.
I'm very happy to see that you're back in blogland. We've been pretty busy taking care of some dogs and puppies until they get adopted and had lots of power and internet outages. So I missed your last post. Your Christmas decoration is just wonderful. I love the nature theme you chose and how you achieved an elegant look using those found objects. The large 25 is fabulous and I love the long stocking too.
Visiting Deb's house must have been fun. There are so many amazing things to discover. It's a good thing that we didn't go there together. We might have gotten into a fight over that street lamp ... ;-).
Happy Holidays, my dear friend!
Big Christmas hugs,
I cannot believe you showed the Casa de Chaos that is Cat DaddyLand! Oh mylanta!!! Did he tell you the big bird cage story? The guy we bought it from swore it was for a go-go dancer back in the day!
I think Kristi and Janet thought Big Foot was gonna jump out and grab 'em out there.
Thank you so much for risking life and limb to drive out to our the rain. You my friend are magic in motion and I love you!
P.S. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. We're gonna get together after things slow down...pinky swear.
Dear Lisa,
I don´t like driving allone,eighter, why did you not ask me to come ,LOL!
Would have been so great to see all that gorgeous "junk" with you, by my side ! I love the lights in the aquarium,and the sweet frame hanging there,from Deb`s house, and the sprigg idea,too.
Sweet friend I hope your christmas was wonderful. Love to you, Dorthe
Wow -- what a fun visit!!
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