Friday, June 7

My Studio

It's time for another workshop. 
 There are a lot of positives about working from home.
For one thing I know that at least once a month my studio will be clean!
Wanna see?

I don't think I've blogged about my studio in awhile, so get ready to be bombard with pictures.
My room is pretty much right in the center of the house which is good & bad.
Good because I can keep an eye on my kids, bad because it usually looks like a disaster.
See all this stuff?
Normally half of it is on the floor and the other half on my desk.

I almost sold this beautiful cabinet.
Then I realized it's the perfect place to hold some of my art & special gifts.


I collect old hand written school note books. Beth gave me the amazing one pictured above.
The binding is hand stitched and there is tissue between the pages to prevent smears.
It's filled with the most incredible drawings and text.
The black one is very special to me,
it was Carola's 1st grade writing journal.
Take a look at her penmanship!

I only buy the ones that have interesting subject matter, like the stitching examples and Grandmothers soap recipe.
That one was .25 at a garage sale:)

My studio is filled with reminders of friends I've met around the world.


Kristi brought me a souvenir from Round Top last year. A note from one of my favorite designers Carolyn Westbrook.
You can tell by her note she's not only insanely talented, but also very funny.

I'm a sucker for old books with engraved illustrations.


The sweet boys leather boots are a birthday gift from Dawn.
Pieces of our friendship are sprinkled throughout the room.

The photo on the left is my Grandfather as a young man in the Russian Army.


Well that was my studio at her finest.

If you live in the DFW area and want to see it for real, 
have some laughs, and make something beautiful...
(Pictures from my last class)
then join us on June 21st!
You can get the information & sign up at my Etsy shop.


The Feathered Nest said...

What a wonderful post sweetie!!!! My goodness, there's just so much GOODNESS in that room I could scream!! Each and every nook and cranny is just brimming with gorgeous old stuff ~ I'm proud a few of my things have a home there with you now dear friend. It's so good to see all those sweet girls again too!! You have the best classes, just wish I lived closer than three states away ~ now, I need to go back and look at these pics again!!! hugs and love, Dawn

Rhonda said...

Ooh, Lisa, I had my nose all the way to my screen!! Love it all, oh my, if you ever want to part with that beautiful shabby cabinet, shoot me an email! How gorgeous! I enjoyed all of your images and saw so many wonderful pieces.

I have to run to work but I am coming back to see it all again! xo Rhonda

fairyrocks said...

What a feast for my eyes. Love all your full of good things shelves, I found myself leaning in to have a closer look, with fingers itching to pick up your wonderful books. Keep smiling and creating.

Desires of the Heart said...

Oh your studio is amazing, Lisa!! I will have to look it over many times to see every little detail you have so artistically placed!! Just beautiful!! I so wish I were closer and could come for one of your workshops........I am missing Birdsong this year. Since the timing was different, it just didn't work out for me to go even though I am so close. I know the gals at your workshop will be so very blessed. Thanks for sharing and I send blessings to you, Linda

Sue @ Miss Phoebes Perch said...

My kind of place. Wow!! It's beautiful. Sue

Createology said...

Oh Thank You for sharing these photos of your beautiful studio with such joyful creations and treasures! I love the ladies happily smiling and creating fabulous altered bottles. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...

Wanda @ Just Vintage said...

Thanks for the studio tour! It's wonderful! I'm flip flopping with the emotions of awe and envy. :-)

just me... jan said...

Many thanks for the "close up" photos of your wonderful space! When I'm there I'm on "sensory overload" and just never seem to be able to take it all in properly!!!
just me...excited for the 21st!...jan

Dorthe said...

Dearest Lisa,
Now ,at least I can be in your room with you,for your workshops ,- in my dreams!!!
You have a most wonderful studio, and filled with so many,many gorgeous art pieces and wonderful old stuff! I ,just like the other girls, need to go back and have many looks -to see all and every little amazing piece!
Thankyou my dear friend, for having my dolls and other little things there- I feel so proud to see them among yours and Dawns gorgeous pieces! Your bottles are fabolous ,and you decorated the cabinets so wonderful with the mixture of art and old special finds! Thankyou for letting us visit and se this gorgeous room of yours !!!
Hugs and love,Dorthe

June said...

A BEAUTIFUL MESS!!!!! I would SO love to come and play in there. I am going to go over and over these photos so I don't miss a bit! I am still laughing over the note from Carolyn W. SO FUNNY!
I hope you have an awesome weekend with those three cutes of yours!
hugs from me...

The Old Parsonage said...

Oh I could live in your studio or just in the white cupboard:)

Beautiful and the classes look fun too!


Sandy said...

Always something wonderful and inspiriting here! Thanks for sharing your special brand of beauty Lisa.

Boxwood Cottage said...

Oh Lisa I'm just imagining a workshop in your studio with you and Dawn and Dorthe and June and Julia that would be so much fun!
Love all the pretties you filled your lovely white shelves with, so many gorgeous details to see *swoon* Oh if only I'd live in your area I would not hesitate to join you at your class and I'm sure it's gonna be wonderful for all participants and I so adore your stunning class sample and that MOP bird unter the domed glass so beautiful! I'm really glad that I sent you that old writing book of mine in our friendship swap without even knowing that you collect those. Now I know it has found the best possible place to live in :)
Sending you happy weekend wishes
xoxo~ Carola

Tina said...

Your studio is so pretty Lisa and so inspiring. So much wonderful stuff - exactly the same I have a soft spot for. If only I lived closer...

Charlene said...

I soooooooooo love your studio! I so wish mine was done & looked so pretty! You have such a knack for putting things together. Do you still have a couple of spaces for your class on the 21st? I have company that week but, I think she's leaving that morning. HUGS!

Kristi Lynne said...

Everything is always so beautiful, Lisa! Wish I could make your June class, I know it will be life-changing! xoxo

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Hey Miss Lisa, You're some weeks early for "Where Bloggers Create", lol. I'm certainly glad you show it. It's just wonderful. I love your fabulous creations and the beautiful gifts you're surrounded by. Your stuff ... oh my ... all those goodies to create with are drool-worthy. I have a hard time keeping my studio tidy too. After I clean everything up, it takes just a few days until it's messy again. I'd need a "putting things back where they belong fairy".
I wish I could come play with you. Have lots of fun with the girls!
Big hugs,

suziqu's thread works said...

Oh Lisa You do realize this is not my first visit here!!! (LOL!). I would be so at home in there with you. Love all of your most wonderful little vintage collections that are so wide and varied! So much to create with and so much beauty surrounding you to give you the inspiration you need.

I love your cabinet filled with all of your special items and gifts etc. and to see each and every item
on your shelves. You are so lucky to live in an area where it is easy to collect even if it may have taken you years to do it.

Perhaps one day we could create a little swap for each other!!?? That would be fun!
I'm sure I will be back!
Have a lovely weekend girlfriend!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Such a wonderful studio, Lisa...filled with everything I just love...

Beth Leintz said...

How did I miss this post until now? I LOVE your studio, I want to live in it. I love how you have your beautiful supplies all out in the open where you can see them, and be inspired by them. You have so many beautiful vignettes, and its fun for me to go through each picture and see if I can figure out where each piece came from- I recognize things from Dorthe and Dawn and things from Paper Cowgirls- it's like memory lane.

Ok, I'm going back to look at the pictures again.

robin dudley-howes said...

LOVE all the pictures of your studio and beautiful organization skills. LOVe it all!

Pallas said...

Your studio is wonderful, and the pictures were so much fun to see. Hope your class successful and enjoyable.

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Lisa, I sooooo enjoyed all of the glimpses into your beautiful room of creativity! I spy many things that are similar to some of my collections. LOVE the "triplets" ook - so perfect for you! Like Dawn, I wish I didn't live so far away! I'd love to come and spend time with you and create a keepsake piece. xxoo becky

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

...oops...I meant to write BOOK after the word triplets. And how are those beautiful children these days? big hugs!!!

Rebecca said...

Only wish I could have attended! Your studio is a dream world... love it and your work. Just wondering why you haven't hooked up to the Where bloggers create tour?
Everyone would have loved seeing it...
I know life happens... look who's preach'in to the choir!
Sigh... maybe I will get to visit Tx again and come see you.
Blessings today

bobbie said...

Another wonderful happy space I could wander around in for hours!! How on earth do you ever get anything done in such an enchanting room?!?!
Thanks for the tour ~

Dortesjs said...

gorgeous post your have a dreamworld of an office. gorgeous

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